So much of this game is the grind and immersion, it would be awesome to get some additional audio facelifts and updates as well please.
I've noticed alot of general actions have the same 'random things clanking together' sound, which can get very old very quick when doing alot of general actions as this game requires.
Perhaps too, the horses could get some audio updates, I see many people voice their frustration on the constant horse whinnying. perhaps a few varied sound effects would be more fitting.
Another nice update would be voices, the same limited voices still exist from way back in LIF:YO early days, perhaps we could get a few more voices for characters as well.
Any way it seems the team is chipping away at giving a facelift to various aspects of the game, we got new music, some new textures like the wells are making their way into the game. If you're not already working on it, perhaps you could compile some additional audio files to help with immersion during game play. In theory it would be a fairly easy update; not an incredibly large amount of coding to add a few more audio files in queue or even just change out the existing files with new updated sounds.
Thanks for reading