We need a new world divided in multiple region servers to make it suit all players and finally get rid of lag compensation and all these things.How can you do it? Make a wold that has NA/EU/ASIA AND Neutral Zone.
Each server zone should get starting cities, these cities would replace the newbie island,or serve new players get to know the game or how it works and to find a guild wich they can join and play with ohter players, or get players to start a guild on their own.
Neutral zone would be an area prebuilt by devs it would contain battlefields with castles or forts to siege and Deffend/Attack in here players can battle for control of these buildings that would provide certain income in form of resources or gold as a reward to the deffenders or new owners of the fort/castle, these forts can be changed after several months in order to give new design and not make them too repetitive for players, also these places could be reinforced by the defenders in order to help them keep it, tradeposts can be placed near the entrance of the neutral zone and each fort/castle should have a tradepost to move in/out resources from it of course paying the corresponding taxes, so war will have some cost aswell. No skillpoint would be lost inside the neutral zone so you can die knowing that you wont have a penalty for doing so or loose alignment.