Age of Chivalry: A New Beginning [RP/PVP][2500/8X/NOKOS/JH/NoWipe]

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True Believer
Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Apr 2016, 05:38

Age of Chivalry: A New Beginning [RP/PVP][2500/8X/NOKOS/JH/NoWipe]

Post by Nimthos » 05 Oct 2016, 16:46

“Faint embers litter a wasteland of smoking ruins in the southern lands. The Republic, a once proud establishment of glorified senators and three united large kingdoms, lays burned, scarred and scattered. Slowly those who fled from their shadow return to this land. Peace has come, and with it, a united Court of the North. The Queen and King reign unfettered and unchallenged, slowly going mad from the peace they solidified. Defensive alliances escalate, both publicly and in secret. The Capitol city, grows in its majesty and the land continues to wait for a new threat to emerge.”

Through the passage of time.....the Great Kingdom of The North has faded into obscurity, with the fall of the last monarchy.....rumors have spread across the lands. Faint whispers can be heard, telling of the return of an ancient power. An Empire of corruption and evil that once struck fear in the hearts of men, but this power was destroyed ages ago...Is it possible that with the fall of the monarchies and the fading of the light, that the darkness could once again emerge? Could these whispers have merit...and the tales of this Monster be true?

Looking for an established server? Checkout Age of Chivalry: A New Beginning...Server has never been wiped, est. 02/16. First monument is provided, Capitol City of New Haven for new players to level skills, 3 Arenas. New ownership with new GMs.

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