"[EU/PL] Midgard"
Server was created under the patrol of multigaming groupe Hermes. Servers were created for the congregation as many players who want to explore the world together. Any information you can find on the website or forum multigaming groupe Hermes.
Page: http://hermes-mg.pl/
Forum: http://hermes-mg.pl/Forum/
Stable 24/7 active server is set to constant restarts every 12 hours (3 and 15)
Active and mature admins
max. 64 players on the server
skillcap: 800
Animal Bre-eding / Feeding Period: 60
Animal Count: 50
Crafting Period: 60
Skills / Stats Multi: 2
DayCycle 3
Terraforming Speed: 1
Please read the server rules in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
With the development of the server will try to make any variety that you played is better.
I invite you to have fun.