Godian Republic

Guilds located on the Godenland server

Posts: 5
Joined: 30 Nov 2017, 06:39

Godian Republic

Post by Tython » 18 Feb 2019, 15:59

The Godian Republic is Recruiting!
Hello! The Godian Republic is looking for active LiF:MMO Players, we are a guild of people from around the world so we do not have any official timezone.

The Godian Republic once built up will run as republic/democracy and its military will be ran as if it was the Roman Military with structure and order.

The first 20 members(we have 13) to join receive automatic citizenship into the republic, afterwards anyone who wishes to be a citizen will can be conscripted into the army to receive citizenship quicker or wait up to one week to get citizenship.

Elections for any political position is once every month.

Structure of rank so far:

Princeps (Highest Rank)

Senator and Minister

Pratician / Equites will be the Civil Ranks of those who served as Senator / Princeps

Plebes / Legionary

Proletarii / Auxiliary

(All is subject to change, as the Republic code is still being formed)
All rules and questions can be asked in our general chat


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