Style: RP-PvP
Structure: Crowned Republic (Renaissance Venice, Florence)
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The Silver Sun Republic is an RP-PvP community that has a long and distinguished history serving as the core element of many larger alliances and nations across several different MMOs including Darkfall Online, Age of Conan, Shadowbane, Mortal Online and many more. We pride our self on a longstanding tradition of coordination and organization teamed up with a deep lore and rich history.
The purpose of our guild is to provide immersion as it enhances gameplay and not to hold ourselves back by overbearing structures or processes.
The Republic is broken up into several Ministries; The Ministry of War exists as the military staff who plan, train and execute military operations; The Ministry of State handles internal matters of government, justice, defense and mentorship of new members; The Executive Ministry handles external matters of government, diplomacy, heraldry, registration of arms and administration of forums and meetings.
The social structure of the Republic matches up with our organization and the guild system in Life is Feudal. Progression in the Republic is open to all at all social levels and allows for sub-groups to join and retain their identity.
The social structure also allows ambitious citizens the opportunity to start their own sub-guilds under the banner of the Republic and grow their own group of loyal members, but with a degree of autonomy. Those of the landed nobility derive their authority and autonomy through feudal agreements. The non-landed Grandi class may be appointed as governors and mayors on behalf of the feudal lords upon whose lands they govern.
Having numbered in the hundreds in the past and as few as several throughout the ages, the military of the Republic has always been known as a well-coordinated and structured unit. The soldiers of the Republic organize themselves into small teams that build upon each level to produce one of the most well disciplined and organized fighting forces in the field no matter the challenge.