[US] Stranglethorn Server Review!

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Joined: 20 Feb 2015, 03:57

[US] Stranglethorn Server Review!

Post by Pariscyte » 10 Jun 2016, 01:25

I've already replied to a post about this server but I thought I'd try to post a topic of review of it as well. I've only been playing on it for a few days, but this server has to be one of the best I've come across. The rules, the helpful (and never overreaching) admins/GMs, the player activity, and events really seemed to call me in to become excited about actually log on to my character again. Role play is encouraged and enjoyed on the server but it's not mandatory and shoved down your throat. Sure, I was robbed of a horse as soon as I got one... but at least I wasn't forced into terrible and forced RP only to reach the swift end of "drop or die" banditry. Sometimes it's all about knowing when to hit "Flee" haha. Anyways, I'd recommend this server to anyone. Pvpers get their justice hour upon a proper war declaration as well as being free from the shackles of a hundred rules (Only 4 simple and fair rules and descriptions to them). Rpers get their rp without a sense of force. And PvEers like myself only have to band together with some able bodied fighters to protect them while they brew and breed!

From what I've heard, the admins will be hosting a big feast and festival at some point this weekend and allowing people to fight in their arena with training weapons to get started on their combat skills. With hopefully high quality food, I don't think that would be a bad idea. Great server and I look forward to playing more!

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