Here's another thing that might simplify things / make life a little more comfortable, without taking away the effort you have to put in (which I really love and respect about this game):
With the "materials preparation" skill (at a low skill-level [maybe 10? 15?] it's not *that* difficult to stack items after all), you'd be able to "construct: pile of" for example, ore.
Or logs. Or even boards.
It would display the appropriate pile graphics, instead of simply dropping items and getting the "bag graphic". Items in such a pile would decay slower (or very much slower - I'm still a little at a loss at how iron bars can decay as fast as, say, fishes or vegetables^^, and logs oftentimes are being left in stacks in a forest for quite some time in reality anyway).
But: only items of the same type could be stored in such a pile (e.g., only logs in a log pile, not boards or billets or even ore).
And there should be a maximum number of items a pile can take - maybe a hundred stone of ore, likewise for rock, something like 24 pieces for logs (can't calculate how many stone that'd be), or less, maybe 50 billets, 100 boards - something like that.