Hello everyone,
I bought this game few weeks after the alpha release so it's been a wild now... I've seen many patches and optimizations. I really love this game. This is the first one where I spent so much time. So congrats to you Devs, I had for my money !
But after more than 2.500 hours some things bother me (to stay polite

), and I'm shocked to still not have these following optimizations and why some skills are linked, or few of them exist... I have the feeling that some skills or options are just not finished. If I can help you with my few ideas !
Let me present you my point of view. I'll try to put everytime a picture/screenshot. Please answer with arguments.
- Digging moats option = by adding 100 of water to elevate of 0.1 the fill the moat (or Combat preparation skill). So if you want to fill of 1 m3 of water you'll need 1000 of water. May be we could imagine a pre-structure with rock fence, and you'll need to add water to "construct" the moat. (same thing like if you build a house)

- Use stone and castle walls as buttress (support wall) = Actually it's possible to do that but it's complicate. We are limited because of the "this area is blocked for terraforming". Against the walls we are limited by 2 of height, after that, it's blocked. I think it would be great to have this system. It's realistic and lot of castles were built like that. Imagine you future castle on a top of mountain. Imagine the defense you can have ...
Example : at 0 flatten tile you put a stone wall. Outside of this wall you let the ground at 0. Inside the wall it would be awesome to put the ground at 4 (thats means the walkway is at the same height)

Construction material Preparation
- Plates and glasses = made with clay in the kiln.
- Wooden walls = on a flatten up/down tile. When ?! And also to be able to build them on flatten up/down on diagonal too.
- Wooden towers = news one maybe ?

- Wooden keep = new, bigger one ?

- Pave = new kind of pave with granite ? marble ? with shaped material ?
- Stone fences = on a flatten up/down, when ?!
- Stairs = we need stairs when you have a village on hills or moutains.
- Drawbridge = Ahoy ! Were are in the middle age and we don't have drawbridges :'( !!. It would be sooo badass ! Why not to create a new kind of gatehouse including drawbridge ?

- Diagonal walls = on a flatten up/down tile
- Regular stone tower = the stairs are totally useless, you cannot go to the walkaway ...
- Warehouses = Why the hell the 2 littles one have a different capacity ?! It's the same size on the ground ... Put them at least 10.000. 3k and 5k is so insufficient ! Same for the large one, put it at least 50.000. We can see on many servers that the capacity of the warehouses are modified by the GMs. And Please make the window bigger !!!
- Breeding animals = It would be lovely to have buidlings and breeding fields and see physically animals grazing ! That's really miss in game.

- Houses = More, bigger ones. Why not to create sort of blocks of houses (wooden, plaster, brick, shaped rock ?) and you plug these blocks to make your house. Finally you'll be able to have so much different houses. And why not a huge welcome house like we found in the game Banished. It would be nice to have one to welcome people (size at least 15*7)
Don't focus on the dead body in the kart, it's me after redacted this post haha

- Keeps = Only the small and regular keep are beautiful (from the outside !) Inside it's absolutely a mass. Why a labyrinth like this ? At the middle age they had large piece for the king. Here we have tiny rooms where you can bearly put a bed and a table . Please make rooms like the wooden keep. U put table wit the form of a U and thrones ! Actually we can't include keeps in our roleplay. And is it posible to have circurlar keeps also ? Come visit France guys you'll se so many differents catles that you'll need to replace the vodka by coffee so you have so much work to do haha

- Stone walls & towers = new one, bigger ? square one, round one. It misses really differents types. It's too poor.
- Shops = Tanning shop would be good (give +5% or 10% quality, able to treat 5 or 10 skin at the same time) / Sewing shop / Jewelery shop.
- Castle Walls an towers= Refer to masonry, exept that it could be posible to add stairs inside the walls. And have a look on the following screen shots. It misses some optizimations betweens walls, towers.
You can't build a castle wall with hoardings on flatten up/down tiles

The connection between Caslte angular tower (also the gatehouse) and castle wall with hoardings is no correct. You can fall !

It would be great to have entrance door for this tower.

Actually this tower can be used in only one direction ! You can make only square castle with the current angular tower. It misses the same version but wit the door at it the opposite.[/spoiler]
[u]- Houses[/u] = Refer to masonry.
- Drawbridges = Refer to masonry.
- Keep : please make another one. You get lost every time. Refer to masonry.
- Chapel, Church, Cathedral = It's insane, we are in the middle age. The religion ruled the world. The Pope crowned the kings ! Where are the religious buidlings ?! I can't believe it. I really hope we'll see in game. Religion was at least stronger as the kings. Many kings refered to the religion to rule their kingdom.
If you build one of the 3 buildings in a claim, you can have 1 more point of piety with chapels, 2 more points with churves and 5 for the cathedral. It would take, shaped granit, marble, (stained glass yes i want to craft that !) Really, I can't believe it that we still don't have them
Cooking and tailoring
- I don't think it's usefull to connect all the branch with these 2 skills. It's not necessary to learn how to wipe the chickens ass to learn cooking and tailoring ... Make these 2 skills independant like the jewelery and arts !
- News armors = Please make new armors, there are so few ! and put real royal armors with gold inlays ! So badass ! Same for the swords !

Forestry and logging
- It dosen't need specific knowledge to cut down oaks, pines, willows, aspens.... It's the same way. Forestry is a useless skill, so it could be put together, and remove, and we'll win 100 points on this branch !
Warefare engineering
- catapults, cloaks , rams, triggerfish, siege tower ...
- Crowns = I'm the King, where is my crown ?!
- Silver cutlery and flatware = My Queen prefers eat her soup with a silver spoon than a wooden spoon. Seriously, this an RP part but it misses in game.
Sorry for my "frenglish". I'll get my aspirine.
Thank you for read it.