Today we have a brief report on previously announced features.
Many of you have asked the perfectly reasonable question: 'why is there so much time between the announcement of new features and their implementation in the game?'
One of the main reasons is that our top priority at the time is eliminating critical crashes and bugs to improve the game’s overall performance and stability. Our developers are busy with fixing key problems and polishing of both LiF: YO and MMO at the same time, alongside implementing new features. So, sadly, some of them get delayed as a result.
Now to more details:
New castle walls
We have finished optimizations and mapping of the models and texturing is being worked on now. The number of modules has increased, their detail level is much higher than the old ones. Also, donjons have been added to the list. The hardest part is complete, so the wait is almost over.
All models and decorations are ready. Animations, sounds and their special settlement level design are underway. However, the AI has been slightly delayed due to more urgent tasks at hand.
The Small Wooden Bell-Tower is ready. The Large Stone Bell-Tower is being worked on and game mechanics for these objects are waiting to be coded.
Destructible shields
Sculpting is finished on these awesome shields and texturing is next in development.
New models are ready and the game mechanics are being implemented. They will be in place and ready for the OBT of LiF: MMO.
Forest growth
Many players were unhappy with tree growth being too slow. We came up with a solution, after the next patch the trees, planted by players, will have a higher growth rate — thus making the timber less 'expensive' so that the construction of wooden structures will make more sense.
We are also upgrading and improving the game interface. The changes will affect all the main windows and HUD elements. New tooltips are ready so take a peek here:
(Click to enlarge)
Meanwhile, our Scriptorium has had another addition — two more stories: The Naming of Things, The Ambush
- The team