Auf meinem Server wächst nix.
Weiß einer was zu machen ist.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<ID>16688</ID> <!-- Number of server instance. Must be unique accross one server and one DB engine -->
<name>Anfänger Freisiedler ohne limit [DE] PVE</name> <!-- No more than 63 symbols! -->
<password></password> <!-- will be required for new clients to join if not blank (no more than 32 symbols) -->
<adminPassword></adminPassword> <!-- GM password (no more than 32 symbols). If empty, GM Mode disabled -->
<mode>Sandbox</mode> <!-- Not Working -->
<isPrivate>0</isPrivate> <!-- =1 Will not be listed in servers browser -->
<isActive>1</isActive> <!-- Must be 1! (for internal use) -->
<skillsStatsMult>100</skillsStatsMult> <!-- =1 is vanilla MMO skills progression setting (range: 0.1 - 100) -->
<skillcap>3000</skillcap> <!-- =600 is vanilla MMO skill cap (range: 200 - 3000) -->
<terraformingSpeed>5</terraformingSpeed> <!-- Terraforming speed during TUNNELING only. 0.8 is a vanilla setting. Can be raised up to 60, but only players with GM powers will be able to dig tunnels with a single iteration (range: 0.1 - 5) -->
<craftingPeriod>60</craftingPeriod> <!-- seconds for 1 crafting tick (burning of fuel, heating of objects etc) (range: 1 - 3600) -->
<animalBFPeriod>60</animalBFPeriod> <!-- minutes between a breeding check. New harvest, dung and young animals will appear on that tick (range: 1 - 600) -->
<dayCycle>3</dayCycle> <!-- Real life hours per in game day. Affects speed of crops and trees growth (range: 0.5 - 24) --> <animalsCount>10</animalsCount> <!-- WARNING! Big numbers might result a heavy server load. We'd recommend 50 or 100, but you can always experiment on your own hardware
Amount of animal spawn points and may result in a maximum of spawned animals at once. (range: 0 - 100) -->
<maxPlayers>18</maxPlayers> <!-- Maximum amount of SIMULTANEOUS players on one server (range: 1 - 64) -->
<port>28106</port> <!-- better have that port and +1 +2 port numbers opened and routed if needed. For instance, if you set that number for 26000, you will need to have 26001 and 26002 to be opened also. -->