Gms0012 wrote:u use a trigger, right?!
Gms0012 wrote:ok
this is the problem
because i am pretty sure that u use
they changed the parameter.. and so the sql doent not work
check the parameter and fix it.
CREATE TRIGGER `character_after_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `character` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN
SET @temp = f_insertNewItemInventory(NEW.RootContainerID, 1060, 100, 50, 50000, 50000,'',''); /* Plata */
SET @temp = f_insertNewItemInventory(NEW.RootContainerID, 40, 100, 1, 50000, 50000,'',''); /* shovel */
SET @temp = f_insertNewItemInventory(NEW.RootContainerID, 974, 50, 5, 50000, 50000,'',''); /* 5x q50 Apple Buns */
SET @temp = f_insertNewItemInventory(NEW.RootContainerID, 1059, 100, 100, 50000, 50000,'',''); /* Cobre*/
SET @temp = f_insertNewItemInventory(NEW.RootContainerID, 1061, 100, 25, 50000, 50000,'',''); /* Oro */
Gms0012 wrote:it changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
earlier u needed to use this
f_insertNewItemInventory(@backpack, 555, 50, 1, 50000, 50000, '', 0,0,0,0, 0,0);
now you need to use this(look to the number of needed parameter!)
f_insertNewItemInventory(@backpack, 1060, 50, 100,50000 , 50000, '','' ); /* silver coins */
if u dont believe me, deactivate your trigger!!!!!!!!!!!
Gms0012 wrote:it changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
earlier u needed to use this
f_insertNewItemInventory(@backpack, 555, 50, 1, 50000, 50000, '', 0,0,0,0, 0,0);
now you need to use this(look to the number of needed parameter!)
f_insertNewItemInventory(@backpack, 1060, 50, 100,50000 , 50000, '','' ); /* silver coins */
if u dont believe me, deactivate your trigger!!!!!!!!!!!