Hey guys.
Little technique question here:
the unmodified dump.sql has 244kb.
I modify it with these lines:
update objects_types set MaxContSize = 30000000 WHERE id = 131;
update objects_types set MaxContSize = 200000000 WHERE id = 132;
update objects_types set MaxContSize = 50000000 WHERE id = 516;
update objects_types set MaxContSize = 15000000 WHERE id = 169;
update objects_types set MaxContSize = 2500000 WHERE id = 168;
update objects_types set MaxContSize = 1500000 WHERE id = 101;
then i save the file and everything is good.
The dump has 237kb now in FTP.
When I start my server up, it automatically shuts down again instantly.
It will first run, when i check the box "Autoupdate on startup" and he replaces the old dump.sql file with the fresh-patched one without my lines.
What is wrong there? Basically, he doesnt keep the capacity changes serverside.
Have the IDs changed since last patch? or do i have a mistake in these lines? I used them pre-patch and everything was fine