I'm currently expanding the information tracked in my improved player death table, and I wanted to add the items the victim dropped as well as the weapon used to kill them. So far though, all I can determine is the weapons the killer had equipped.
In the table equipment_slots, equipped items get stored as follows:
Slot - Area
1 - Head
2 - Chest
3 - Arms
4 - Hands
5 - Legs
6 - Feet
7 - Finger
8 - Finger
9 - Neck
10 - Left hand
11 - Right hand
12 - Back Left
13 - Back Right
14 - ? (database stores this as the "Hand of Boris")
15 - ? (database stores this as the "Hand of Boris")
I had thought that by equipping a weapon in combat slots 14 & 15 would update, but they appear to not do so.
Would appreciate (almost) any feedback. As I said, I can just include the items in 10, 11, 12 and 13, but I'd prefer to just track the killing weapon.