you have more than one recipes for steel (steel bars, steel ingots, steel lumps and lumps/bars/ingots from bars/ingots/lumps etc.)
Recipe with ID 132 is used for steel ingots (object id 401) with the following ingredients: flux and iron. You can find this info from the table 'recipe'.
Next step is to look up in the table 'recipe_requirements' where column 'RecipeID' matches your desired recipe with id 132:
- Code: Select all
SQL output:
ID | RecipeID | MaterialObjectTypeID | Quality | Influence | Quantity
'400', '132', '402', '0', '70', '2'
'401', '132', '476', '0', '10', '12'
'402', '132', '138', '0', '5', '23'
'736', '132', '464', '0', '5', '30'
Flux is enlisted in the second row. With this info you can now edit the recipe_requirements as you wish, but keep in mind that you should edit the file dump.sql. Otherwise each server restart will reset your edits.
Search in dump.sql for "'401', '132', '476', '0', '10', '12'" (should be around line #2072).