Lumberjack wrote:Deltaprimeashtaylor wrote:Lumberjack wrote:
Let's look at this realistically, since you're attempting to take that approach. A person runs into their shelter and is under the protection of their walls and keep. Great, that person has acted logically to safeguard themselves. - But what does the attacker actually have to do now in Epleland? Nothing. Because they literally cannot. No way to encroach closer or to break down the doors is just silly and is unrealistic.
In this roleplay world, we are supposed to imagine that their bases are magically indestructible and that if we set foot inside of one, we are subject to be smited by some weirdo mechanic to indict us OOCly as trespassing.
It's not great design for true RP, imo. And to defend features that keep you safe and from actually having loss of control or no way to victory is really just what a carebear would do.
-- Now with that said, I honestly cannot even tell that you read my post. None of my above ideas have any negative draw to Epleland and can only enhance the server by adding features. Maybe you should actually read, unless that giant E-Peen is stuck in your eye xD
I did read your proposals, and all they would do would enable senseless PvP. Well not even PvP, just griefing as they would remove any penalty from a random mass murdering maniac.
Removing skill drop would benefit solely mass murderers, regular players grind idols for an hour and pray until their skill loss is nil.
The only thing I partially agree (as I hinted in previous post) is the access to the enemy base, but it should be dependent on whether the enemy is online. And should be HARD.
I have actually carried a period-correct siege ladder (long time ago for a movie). There were 12 of us on each side, and we have barely made it uphill. The ladder was basically two pines, as it was the only thing strong enough to hold 12 people at a time without breaking.
I know this is only a game, but sieging was damn hard.
Another thing the devs could tweak is nerfing farming. The medieval farming yield was between 1:1 to 1:4. There should be no way to fit the farms into the town claim. And it is too easy to build walls around your farms, which historically was never done.
About the senseless griefing or PvP, I don't fully agree that is all it would bring. - Some, absolutely. But I imagine it would also change how some acted around others - Adding an additional level of paranoia to player interaction, as well as encouraging players softly that it's alright to bring battle to others without such heavy losses incurred on other servers.
Still, I do not fully see these things as being negative to the Epleland RP community. In every age of time, there have been those who have been murderous lunatics - And their consequences were immediate in society. They became known as what they were and were ousted and hunted down. I don't see why that couldn't be the natural response to this kind of gaming, creating a *real* incentive not to be senseless and not have to rely on a silly mechanic to shield us or mitigate the alignment/skill loss.
As for the Sieging - Honestly, that is all I end up do wanting out of this list. I do not mind all of the protections of the Epleland and can respect people's wanting to not have their castles destroyed and such. But I look at these magnificent creations people have made and I wonder, 'How amazing it would be to fight inside that castle', the castle of my RP friends and those I've striven with to create a lovely settlement.
I would prefer it be insanely hard to do and require much time/strategy to be done well, as close as real can be at least - But the mere OPTION of it being enabled would cure a lot of frustration I have with the magical boundaries of cities and the ability to 'harm' an enemy faction by assaulting them after careful work.
-- As for farming, that indeed looks like it needs some nerfing. . The guild I'm serving has this amazinggggly large farm space (Multiple, actually) and it seems very unlikely they'll run out of crop at any time. The effort it must have taken is enormous and amazing, but it does leave me a bit wowed at the yield. (As well as the walling to shield it)
I know the game is in EA Release, but my post wasn't meant to turn Epleland into a PvP-Wonderland or anything like that. . Though, I can definitely see how that could come about. I just hate to have to leave the RP Server (The only server with true depth and story between characters) just to be able to find more intensive PvP. - And it just Wows me that the PvP Crowd looks so harshly upon Epleland, when I always thought the best kind of roleplay involved battle and chaos, politics ending bloodily.
(I do realize not everyone wants what I desire and I can concede that not all of the list is probably preferable to most - But some improvements could be made, I still feel.)