About us!
Legion Gaming is a multigaming community that has been around for quite some time! We have play many different games, and are looking to spread our wings into Life is Feudal! We plan to move over to the MMO version of the game once it is released, but we are going to stick with YO until it the MMO comes out. We play the YO version so that we will have a headstart on a lot of people by the time it is released. We find YO quite fun though so we will be playing it for quite a while! We are a Light RP/PvP group that is helpful and friendly! We believe that to achieve great things you need to work to help each other more than yourself.
1. No hateful, harmful, or abusive language towards the Guild.
2. Respect everyone equally in the guild.
3. Don’t be a troll, we do not tolerate it.
6. Use common sense when talking with others, respect everyone’s opinion, regardless if yours differs.
7. Please use proper grammar in chat if at all possible, and please speak in English.
9. Do not disciminate or participate in Antisemitism, Racism, or Sexism in our guild. Everyone has a place in this guild.
Requirments to join!
1. Must be 18+ no exceptions!
2. Must be able to speak and write english!
3. You must be able to be active in teamspeak, while in game!
4. Must be active playing the game!
Applying to join!
Please fill out this app and leave it here in this thread! Following your application please join teamspeak when you are contacted by an officer! He will provide you with the teamspeak info at that time.
Character Name:
Steam Profile:
Real Life Age:
Previous Gaming Experience:
How did you discover us?:
Please explain why you would like to join us: