Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Camil199197 » 21 Jul 2017, 21:55

Arrakis wrote:
The leader of the attacking guild must come on to the defending guild's claim and set the Battle Totem there. It is necessary for both guilds to have at least a tier 2 monument (Fine Monument) and to be at war.

A lot of player will exploit this option to have save zones with tier 1 monument in the near of the enemies territory.

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Sharana » 21 Jul 2017, 22:12

Camil199197 wrote:
Arrakis wrote:
The leader of the attacking guild must come on to the defending guild's claim and set the Battle Totem there. It is necessary for both guilds to have at least a tier 2 monument (Fine Monument) and to be at war.

A lot of player will exploit this option to have save zones with tier 1 monument in the near of the enemies territory.

Bobik said you can go straight with a siege against those tier 1s. So it's good idea to upgrade ASAP to get some warning and "buffer" (instanced battles) before the siege itself.

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Baal » 21 Jul 2017, 22:20

Camil199197 wrote:
Arrakis wrote:
The leader of the attacking guild must come on to the defending guild's claim and set the Battle Totem there. It is necessary for both guilds to have at least a tier 2 monument (Fine Monument) and to be at war.

Hmm, if each border tiles of the enemy claim is occupied by a wall, a construction or is inaccessible by land, the attacker still can deploy his totem ? if at least a free tile is required to setup a totem i can see an issue to be exploited by the defending guild to prohibit any totem deployment.

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Karabas » 22 Jul 2017, 14:04

sorry for russian =) :angel:
первые после прочтения патчнотов вопросы к инстанс батлам:
1 что будет если в момент появления приглашения в инстанс я мертвый?
2 что будет если в момент появления приглашения в инстанс я отравлен, перегружен, плыву, не полное здоровье, забаговался и дергаюсь, не в онлайне (в процессе релога), в состоянии таймера на логаут и так далее?
3 что будет если мне прилетит одновременно 2 приглашения в разные инстансы? (второе пока не отреагировал на первое)
4 могу ли я вообще записываться на несколько инстансов одновременно? В т.ч. Атака и/или защита? Я же не знаю точное время начала каждого боя
5 могу ли я, как и когда отменить свою запись на бой, будут ли какие-то последствия?
6 какие последствия дезертирства в разных видах - афк не принял приглашение (есть ли таймер на принятие), или нажал кнопку отклонить, или сбежал из инстанса,
7 какие последствия краша клиента, или логаута или альт-ф4 в течение боя (может разные в разные фазы - 5 мин, 10 мин, активная фаза?
8 можно ли там создавать объекты из принесенных в карманах ресурсов? - телеги, шкафы, противоконные заборчики из осадных наборчиков
9 будет ли появляться могила убитого - чтобы полутать, например, стрелы в течение боя, если свои кончились, или все трупы только в конце через центральный тотем
10 если лут с проигравших в центральном монументе, то победители должны бегать лутать себя сами?
11 сколько времени дается на лутание победителям? Что если у победителей весь лут не помешается в карманы? (например победило меньшинство и лута много, лошади тяжелые)
12 что происходит с лутом дезертиров и отключившихся? Их раздевают при дисконнекте от инстанса? А если он обратно подключится после краша?
13 будет ли в каком-то виде работать благословение на защиту от падения скилов (милость) работать по аналогии с судным часом?
14 будет ли прилетать приглашение в другой инстанс если я уже воюю в этом?
15 какой размер карты инстанса, какой размер центральной зоны для захвата
16 какие правила захвата центра? Надо просто физически там быть хотябы одному игроку, или надо не получать дамага, или надо чтобы наших там было по численности больше чем врагов, или как еще?
17 что прерывает процесс захвата? Получение дамага любым бойцом? Или если врагов станет больше чем наших? Или если все наши покинули зону или какие еще особенности?
18 будут ли эти очки захвата накапливаться с постоянной скоростью или в зависимости от количества бойцов в зоне захвата? Или кого больше, если дамаг - все слетает или только то что накопилось от одного бойца? Есть в онлайн играх много разных аналогичных систем - на что это будет похоже по задумке? ОПИШИТЕ МАКСИМАЛЬНО ТОЧНО, ИНАЧЕ мы не сможем понять работает ли оно правильно или не правильно
19 можно ли там сажать деревья, делать тераформинг (копать ямы или насыпать из карманов, к примеру, снег - для замедления врагов), ставить капканы?
20 правила установки батл тотемов - есть ли ограничение на количество одновременно исходящих атак? Если я атаковал несколько раз, но первый же бой проиграл - остальные отменяются или работают?
21 можно ли атаковать одну и туже гильдию несколько раз чтобы получить несколько боев одновременно против них? Например если нас намного больше и мы хотим решить вопрос быстро.
22 что будет с вассалами? Можно ли их атаковать/от них атаковать?
23 что с батл тотемом будет если меняется статус атакующего или защищающегося в течение времени ДО битвы? - перестал быть кингдомом, стал вассалом или изменил стендинг к другой стороне, или удален монумент властью или монумент упал когда стало меньше 10 игроков
24 что если в момент установка батл тотема он на реалм клайме, потом наступило утро и реалм клайм уменьшился - батл тотем остался на нейтральной земле. Бой будет? Или что будет?
25 если в течение времени ожидания вследствие колижена реалм клаймов батл тотем оказался на территории другой гильдии, а не той на которую ставился?
26 по какому принципу отбираются люди в бой, если достигнут лимит 3к1 ? Кого возьмут? Первых записавшихся, или первых утвержденных командиром, или как? Надо дать командиру (лидеру) возможность выставлять приоритеты попадания в бой
27 в какой момент становится известно сколько людей у соперника?
28 в какой момент становится известно сколько людей попадет в бой у нас с учетом лимита 3к1 ?
29 видно ли в бою текущее количество живых врагов?
30 нужен таймер обратного отсчета перед приглашением в инстанс - например в системном чате - чтобы подготовиться и экипироваться правильно и вовремя
31 актуальна ли схема - количество принимаемых боев равно уровню монумента - 2=2, 3=3, 4=4 ?
32 принимаемые бои все начнутся одновременно или со сдвигом в расчете по часу на каждый внутри окна прайм-тайма?
33 возможно ли заранее знать точное время начала конкретного боя для атакующего/защитника? Чтобы собрать главные силы на основной бой
34 нужно ли находиться в определенном месте на карте ММО чтобы быть затянутым в инстанс? Атака/щазита есть разница?
35 предложение - войти в список рекрутов на определенном монументе один раз - лично посетив его, а затем активировать галочку "хочу участвовать в конкретном бою" через сайт, иначе придется только и делать что кататься по миру и записываться в бои в разных концах карты на каждом монументе, а это сделает невозможными союзы гильдий из разных частей карты !!!!!!!!!!
36 ИЛИ дайте возможность записываться в бой к СОЮЗНИКУ через свой монумент. Включая вассалов - на бой к союзнику сюзерена.

more questions will be soon =)
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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Ferimer » 22 Jul 2017, 17:25

Lets try and get through some of these with common sense.
Answers to your questions

1: Your'e dead you cant participate so you will have to respawn. THis should be common sense already, you cant be somewhere when youre dead.
2.If youre poisoned you'll go in as you are (I assume). You have 5 mins to set up beforehand so get healed and rest and hope for full health and other things. Its a teleport system from where ever you are (i assume from what they said in the Dev News) Youre not online then thats too bad, If youre constantly re-logging thats not their fault call your ISP or get better internet. There is a set time for the IB's to take place so like anything try to make sure your own 30 mins before hand.
3. Honestly? YOu cant figure this out? You cant be at two battles at the same time its not possible. So pick the one you want to be in. No Warrior has ever been in two battles in two seperate areas at the same time.
4. I dont think you'll be able to register for several instances. and i think this answers 3 as well if you wont be able to register for many instances you wont be able to get more than one invite.
5. If youre in a battle and you leave, you lose your stuff and it counts as a death so youll lose skills too.
6. Desertion probably gets you blacklisted or some sort of alignment drop as well as known as a deserter so when you go to sign up you may not get picked as youre known as a deserter. You have 5 mins to accept then another 5 to set up inside the IB. TIme zones differ so they will have that 5 minute window.
7. Thats the same as deserting. See 6.
8. Why would you want to build carts? Either way you have a set up time of 5 mins to do whatever, However you have to run to the middle to defend so carts and barrels there is no need because you wont want to be stationary.
9. No graves all loot appears at the end of the battle.
10. You take what you can carry. SO pick the best stuff. Keep that in mind when looting any battlefield. Just becuase this is an IB doesnt mean you get to carry everything out. If you want more stuff register more people and carry less so you can take more.
11. Dont take the horses then? THis is the same as 10. Thats how looting works in anygame if you cant carry it you cant take it. SO takes what most valuable and most important to you at that time.
12.Same as before make sure you have a good connection. the game cant always be responsible if youre trying to play on a crappy connection its why they have Connection Requirements for games to ensure proper connections. Youll probably have like a 30 second window maybe to rejoin but i couldnt see it being anymore than that.
13. JH will be seperate.
14. If you can only sign up for one IB per time then this one answers itself. So Probably not.
15. I think they are as big as a server tile. and the capture point is somewhere in between the two armies.
16. Like any Capture The Flag/point. If youre there you are capturing if the enemy is there they are contesting it. SO Kill to make sure youre the only one inside the zone to capture. Numbers wont matter just as long as someone is in there.
17.If you leave the zone obviously you arent capturing it. Read #16.
18. There will more than likely be a meter that fills up, the more people the faster it (should) go. ALso hence the testing in the CBT to see what works and what doesnt, you havent even tried it yet and already you seem mad about it.
19. You have 5 mins to set up, again why would you do that in a capture point? you'll be exposed. But you could ultimately bring what you want. But Instances (not sure if you know the definition) will always reset after its over. meaning no matter what you built in there the next IB even if its the same guild and server the stuff will be deleted. SO choose wisely.
20. I dont think you'll be able to place more than one also you have to be at war and have to have a tier 2 monument (both sides) If you lose an attack you cant attack anyone for 3 Days (not sure if RL so 72 hours or In-game 15 hours). but either way you wont be able to do anymore IB's for 3 days. So answer No.
21. No I assume once one Guild adds a Battle Totem it may limit others from doing so for that day. But I beleive Monument size affects that meaning Tier 3, you can be attacked 3 times in one day. (if i read that correctly)
22. If they have a Monument they can be attacked. Any Claim with a Tier 2 Monument (fine Monument) can be engaged to an IB. Anyone can sign up for an IB from anywhere (vassals, mercs, randoms)
23. Then it will more than likely Cancel out if any of those factors happen. HOwever if you drop from tier 2 to tier 1, you can be seiged without the need of IB's.
24.Read 23. If it drops to tier 1, you dont have to worry about the battle because you can just seige. Its better for you if the realm drops anyway saves you the battle then you just place another one.
25. It will register to that Guild so you wont have to worry, but if the claim shrinks then you wont have to worry about the battle. The point of the IB's is to Shrink Claim and decay monument. so if the guild doesnt feed the monument and it shrinks then they are doing the job for you and making it easier for you.
26. According to Bobik. Even if you dont meet the Minimum requirements of 10 players the enemy army can still take 30. Its alll approval by an officer or Guild leader. so the members participating are hand picked no matter how many sign up.
27. You can probably check by looking at the MOnument when signing up. You will probably see how many have been picked but probably not who has been picked to make it a mystery.
28. Read 27. You'll probably have an option to see how many have been selected. but remember if you make the same amount as them they can go 3x above it still. and you wont be able to go past 30 if they pick only 10.
29. You willl Have 1 hour in the instance to win if youre an attacker, so worrying about how many are left shouldnt matter just trying to win should. If the defenders want to hide then you can capture the zone.
30. You will have a timer to accept, then have 5 mins to do what you want in the instance server. This was already answered.
31. Yes thats how it works, but the Tile drop is also relevant to the Tier level. so 7-Monument level is how much tiles you lose. (3-5)
32.Im sure that will be a thing and it will probably be random depending on the time you set it up. As its a 24 hour wait window. So dropping a battle totem on a claim an hour before IB server battle time. you wont be able to do it until the next day. So if you drop one on Sept 25th, you'll battle the 26th. If you drop on the 26th at like 12:05am youll battle the 27th.
33.Im sure the Monument when signing up will tell you what time the battle is taking place.
34. I dont think so, like i said its a teleport but i think once you win or lose you will be set back to your spawn point. Why would you travel half way across the map if youve signed up for an instance battle ?
35. Well you arent gonna be able to to know if someone is going to have to partake in an IB unless you either here it from them through in game or through a discord channel. You have to physically go there and sign up. Which makes more sense then just Website signing up and makes it more realistic. You realize you have 24 RL hours to sign up for it right? SO its not Impossible to sign up. Also Dont make allies with someone on the other side of the map then. In Real medieval times it would take days for messengers to inform their allies they needed reinforcements we have discord. I think its fine that way.
36. Dont think thats fair you should have to go there physically to sign up or else it would be pointless to have the Battle Totems.
Ultimately i think you are forgetting what the IB's are all about, they are literally part of the game to drop a monument and shrink the claim to be able to seige. so even if you win a bunch you still have to seige the castle. And if you cant seige it then all progress will be lost and you will be giving them a chance to rebuild and grow the claim again. So plan wisely and accordingly for the battle. If you die and your army wins youre going to be hurt and wounded and have a hard time participating in the upcoming battles. So there is that as well.

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Xzg0 » 23 Jul 2017, 09:31

Zapraszamy umiłowanych w PvP i coop.

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Arrakis » 23 Jul 2017, 12:04

We will be answering questions related to instanced battles once we implement them ;)

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Zohann » 24 Jul 2017, 08:19

I am sorry, but i wish to ask one more question:

Will the JH rules apply to the IB rules, for example, in terms of player's claim on objects, e.g the ability to mount the horse which has another player's claim on it.

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Mustafaercoban » 24 Jul 2017, 15:15

is the game for 4 days closed now?

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Re: Development News #61 - ‘Time to Assemble on the Battlefield draws closer!’

Post by Ishamael » 26 Jul 2017, 16:56

Will we be able to siege Tier 1 monuments? Or will we only be able to do battle instances between higher tier monuments?

Edit: I understand the system, just wondering if this feature will be open for the test.
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