» 04 Oct 2014, 12:40
I couldn't seen to find any thread that fulfilled this purpose. Let's post all the things we've found out about herbalism here.
Namely, like everyone else, I've used herbalism to get one thing and one thing only. Flux.
Currently, I've found ~65 different herb types. 11 of which give me flux. What amounts does everyone else have? Does everyone get the same amount?
A useful method I found to identify flux herbs without wasting my precious flux herbs was to find a herb with the same two other properties of my identifying flux herb (I call them reference herbs)
Ref Herb:
EX: Raise agi, Raise Str, (whatever)
My flux herb would look like:
EX: Flux, Raise Agi, Raise Str
I would screen potential herbs with this first herb. If it doesn't consume both herbs, I then know that the herb cannot possibly consume my flux herb unless both have flux (which is good).
If it has one of those two attributes, I simply try another 'pair'
I would also put my herbs into specific categories in my inventory.
Herbs proven to be non flux, flux herbs, and reference herbs (what I mentioned above)
Anyway share your tips/tricks
Also, Those different colored herbs I find on the ground (red flower one and bush with red berries type one). I'm not entirely sure if you get any different kinds of herbs from these, but I'm always drawn to pick them first simply because they have easier hit boxes XD