» 04 Dec 2014, 01:43
Yes, breeding works. Some folks are complaining that they are only getting Male sheep (rams) however. I haven't been able to test that yet.
When it comes to Swine and Cattle though, I am getting 2 males for every 1 female. It also seems to require that you have the same 2 male/female combo in the same Breeding Pen for a minimum amount of breeding cycles (not yet sure what that minimum is for each, still testing), if you are constantly pulling them out and putting them back, you won't get any breeding from the pens, only the random pairing ones.
For milk, I personally have yet to generate any milk from a Barn bred Cow. The wild tamed cows I've had produced milk from day one, but my 18 year old barn born one, or my 8 year old, has yet to give any milk.
Edited to Add:
Also, the way the breeder seems to work, is that those 2 pairings will be the priority for a successful breeding, and their 2 qualities will be the important two. Without having animals in the pens, it's random which two will be the "parents" and so you have less control on the newborn's quality (a 100q male/female pairing gives 100q newborn, 65q pairing much much less).