| US PVP-NO griefing

True Believer
Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Dec 2014, 19:08 | US PVP-NO griefing

Post by Maco » 07 Dec 2014, 19:15

Server is officially up! :x Site

Server name: | US PVP-NO griefing |
Direct connect:

Character limit: 2 (1 for crafting one for combat!)
*updated* flux mod - we're currently working on this
6 hour backups & 12 hour restarts
Active admins
No griefing
72 hour claim times (still in the process of being fixed)
Open to anyone
Located Central US (Chicago)
Skills multiplier: 45
Skill cap: 2500
Terraforming speed: 4
Crafting period: 60 (seconds)
Breed period: 60 (mins)
Day cycle speed (growing speed) 8 hours
Animal count: 100

1. OPEN PVP is allowed like it was meant to be, this is how the game was designed (but no griefing)
2.Cheating/griefing of any kind will not be tolerated includes;
a) tunnelling under walls or building around someone's existing settlement
b) No glitching under the map
c) Hiding/destroying peoples removable devices (i.e loom, spinning wheel , workbench etc...), if you have no intent on using the device do not take it. Simple.
d) Claiming other people gates/houses etc just to grief will not be tolerated
e) No resource glitching
3. Siege game play - you can siege other peoples settlements but not ALL the time, use your best judgement (relates to rule number 1) If you can get it on fraps that would be awesome! we wana see that shit.
4. Swearing - we like to cuss like sailors we're all grown ups just don't be a douche
5. This will not really be a rule but have honour and respect for the people in the world. For example if you trade with someone then kill them I encourage people to seek out the perpetrator and kill them as they would of done in medieval times (again no griefing) The real world is full of thieves and cutthroats, how you deal with them is up to you
6. Understand that this is alpha and be patient with the the GM's
Last edited by Maco on 12 Dec 2014, 01:49, edited 3 times in total.

True Believer
Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Dec 2014, 19:08

Re: flux mod | US PVP-NO griefing

Post by Maco » 08 Dec 2014, 16:34

Updated with the flux mod last night!

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