Mother Nature coming back

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Mother Nature coming back

Post by Numrollen2000 » 11 May 2018, 15:39

Im on Epleland and walking around to watch the nature, other citys, other people to see the world growing is a pain for me. Beside the given terrain often looks unrealistic, the people builded stuff looks even more evil to the terrain. Lost places, "just for level up" made stuff, optimized and industriell used guild areas, stone paths, high changes made utterly terrible made this hole island more a mindcraft looking thing then a realistic terra world. I took me already a bunch of hours to resample the area near our guild so i dont get eye cancer when beeing around but its endless work and dont make fun. So here are my suggestions:

- There should be a big 3rd Area around the guild claim within the guild should be look for a more real look, especially on Epleland where terrain should not only used for defense or industrial efficiency. Every month the 10 best ones should get a good bonus, the worst 10 active guilds should get punishment for this bullshit they are creating.
- Mother nature should take unused terrain back after a while and forever. Straighten the terrain back to normal level, grass where grass should grow and back to sand and rock where nothing should grown. Stumps get cleaned, even unused trails disappear within e.g. 24 month.
- Wood should grow to a forest or die trying if it exists long enough and is untouched. Forst should produce own wood soil if the forst is build up with enough space and mixed trees and so on.
- Clay areas should also level its path in rain within time and grow a bit perhaps.

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Re: Mother Nature coming back

Post by Vulus » 12 May 2018, 01:51

i second this! being a very new player, i chose Epleland server because i expected the most immersion (that this game has huge potential to provide - thanks awesome graphics!) but most of the land is barren throughout the server (i walked a lot before having a horse!) with square tree plantations everywhere, tilled soil for miles than doesn't change. it took away the great impression i got when joining a new YO server, for example - where i've seen the most realistic forests of any game i've played

the models, textures and variety of grass, trees, etc. that the game provides is FAR from being used the best way to provide a beautiful scenery

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Re: Mother Nature coming back

Post by SiMP3N » 26 Jun 2018, 11:39

Adding items and things that need boards/billets from a specific kind of tree would help with getting a more realistic forest aswell. Coz right now as soon as you get close to a guild all you see is a wall of Oak with a few Pine's.... And you cant really blame people when that are by far the most effective use of your time if you want as much wood as you can with the least amout of work. So that kinda kills the "natural" feel of the world aswell.

They could also switch the timers on the RP server for tree's, so that planted tree's are the ones growing slower then naturally growing tree's. :)

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Re: Mother Nature coming back

Post by C0R0NERcz » 17 Aug 2018, 13:05

I walk through Eplend, I pour water on the scraped ground, plant new trees, dig out stumps. The largest cancer is raiders from others worlds of raw materials, that our Epleland slowly turns into a lunar landscape.
':' Peace! ':'

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Re: Mother Nature coming back

Post by Kristiensen » 26 Aug 2018, 20:15

hi all !
i agree with this idea that abandonned areas without claims should come back after a certain time back to nature. plowed soils that make awful lines on the whole land should disappear, flatten tiles should come back unflattened, paved places should come back to grass or trees. It is very sad to see those empty places and it is a waste of place.

thanks a lot to developpers to this awesome and beautiful game !

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Re: Mother Nature coming back

Post by Lignarius » 09 Oct 2018, 12:27

Hello to all the feudal friends,

this topic is exactly the point why I found my way to this forum.
I am in the game since a few weeks now and I am doing a lot of terraforming. Its a crap for me when building a street in the mountains using topsoil. In the end there are field-looking places everywehere indipendantly what is the tilt of the landscape.
I think it would be a great start to re-green all the "not used" fields outside of claims (equal if caused by terraforming or by skilling people) after a few ingame month or after a number of weather changes (similar to the mechanics of the fields to get ripe).

Would be really nice to see some changes in this mechanics.
Thanks alot.

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