Will there be ox's/cows or bulls and a cart that you can attach to them (tamed of course) and use them to bring more than 1 log at a time? i'd love to see this. it'd make my day.
now now... it would already be something if we could pull carts on our own. It shouldn't be much different (and even easier) than making a plough plow terrain as you move, right?
but, it'd be AWESOME to have a animal to do the hard work, so you can bring in a big haul of iron, wood. you name it.. a few mooses even a wolf! i think they should add it.
i find it useful using this system in 2-3, carrying around 240 or plus of dirt from a point to another it's damn annoying, i rather like to put 1000 dirt in, 240 on my inventory, and the damn moose on my shoulders. Points of view