Politics a step in the right direction

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Politics a step in the right direction

Post by Heavysparksgaming » 18 Apr 2020, 19:35

Welcome Feudalist,

While there exists Political influence in the game. It plays only a somewhat minor role in how the game is played at this point. What I would suggest could be viewed as a major change in how and why conflicts arise. As of now guilds and alliances fight for resources, fame, territory, and just simply for the content of the fight itself. The why we fight is what I attempt to influence with this post.

In the game we starting with the personal claim in the green zone, this is the smallest type of parcel of land that can be claimed. These are players that want to live a peaceful life only bending the knee to the imaginary crown. Without risk of conflict or lose of property to their fellow man. While I believe the crown should be represented by a magnificent castle somewhere inside of each of their protectorates and that there should be more trading posts added. I don't think this will happen any time soon. As these players have decided to remove themselves from most of the content and conflict at large which makes Life is Feudal such a great game we can ignore them completely.

In the wilderness where the rest of us play the game, the land is broken into regions, provinces, and fiefs. As we gather together into communities which eventual become guilds where we choose to settle is influenced by the fief, the province, and the region we choose.

The way in which provinces work now is simplified or dumbed down. A province is held by the guild that first claims it. If unchallenged they continue to benefit from the taxes collected from all fiefs claimed by other guilds that settle in their province. The only way for a province to be taken by an opposing force is in combat in what is call an instance battle. This is a great way to determine the ownership of the province itself. Taxes are collected by ruling guild without the ruling guild having to enforce their power. This however was not the way things worked in the middle ages. Defiant groups would refuse to pay the tax. Forcing the ruler to attempt a political solution that often times did not work and could only be resolved with conflict.

I would purpose that a province should be treated like a kingdom where multiple guilds lay claim to fiefs. The owner of the province receives a percentage of the taxes from the province bases on the Guilds willing to pay the taxes. The choice should be left to those guilds that own fiefs in the province as to setting their guilds status as compliant to the tax or defiant to the rulers of the province.

In this way we would create more player driven content in the game. Owners of provinces would be forced to contact other guilds to reach a diplomatic solution to maintain the control over the benefit of the province’s taxes. If a diplomatic solution could not be reached, they would be forced into a decision as to how to resolve the issue. All-out war declaring HJH after setting down a Military Outpost or small skirmishes during JH until the offending guild complied or were removed. The owner of the province could also do nothing and look weak in the face of other guilds in the area.

As always, I would like to thank those of you that read my post and the developer for making a great game I enjoy playing.
For evil men to succeed all one needs do is stand by idle.

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