What the actual is this?

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What the actual is this?

Post by Whyweirdupdates » 02 Nov 2017, 00:31

So ive been expecting to get an awsome upgrade from Your Own, but i can tell you im greatly disapointed. What the hell have you been doing picking out crap from ur belly buttons? Its not worth the crazy bronze, silver, gold pack things for what it is now. Did you start from scratch since your own or just made a fancy webpage and trailers to fool us into thinking its awsome now?

Combat still sucks donkey ass, mount & blade still beats you by a long shot. And this stamina system, is it obese 80 year old characters that cant swing a sling without getting an astma attack? Or walking up small dirt slopes, are they mount everest slopes or what?

Like the whole feel and interface off the game is super clunky and tedious.

I mean hire some proper game devs that can make a smooth functional game or change engine or something its horrible!

Ive not seen bows yet but i bet they are desame still ugly ass clunky horrible things they where in "your own" like wtf guys?

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Edward90 » 02 Nov 2017, 07:08

After all, nobody tells you to play this game.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Yotoni » 02 Nov 2017, 08:10

Whyweirdupdates wrote: And this fucking stamina system, is it obese 80 year old characters that cant swing a sling without getting an astma attack? Or walking up small dirt slopes, are they mount everest slopes or what?

You made me laugh so bad-:XD I have to agree on that one haha... but I am still happy with the overall production, there is more to offer than just mount & blade eventhough pvp is not as good as M&B, just different game.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Whyweirdupdates » 02 Nov 2017, 11:06

lol can u imagine large scale battles? People rushing in and dying from astma before reaching eachother? Then on the battlefield everyone is bending over out of breath from like 2 swings. And then probaly bad horse AI spinning around in circles on the field and stuff.

Me and my friend tried to kill an auroch yesterday. It stood still,spinned in circles when u stood next it and was spinning around with it. It randomly attacked and not. And both of us tried slinging it, running out out breath 24/7 from 1 slingshot like wtf its retarded.

Its these small things they could fix and make less clunky.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Yotoni » 02 Nov 2017, 11:33

:ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: Stop it I'm dying :lol: :crazy:
More seriously, if you go in fight mode it takes lot of breath so don't move too much unless you switch mode and just sling. With experience you can increase your Will competence to have longer breath or redeem your initial points into it. The difficulty is to balance your attack and not get out of breath... bit like in real life... not that extreem :D I agree the stamina bar shouldn't be that much sensitive but we get used to it after few hours play

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Ferimer » 02 Nov 2017, 16:10

This guy comparing the game to M&B like M&B hasn't been finished for nearly a decade and this game is still going through its Beta Tests and Access tests on Steam. First off you talk about stamina. Are you Over encumbered the entire time? do you have close to 150 Stones on you when you can carry 160 stones? You damn right you're gonna be an obese 80 year old woman when you have an extra 150 Stones of weight you're carrying. Not to mention in Combat if your Strength and Agility are low you're going to feel the major effects of those as they are different from the YO. Fucking YO people getting into the MMo and having no clue how the stats work. Get high Strength if you want to be a fighter, Get High Agility id you want to be a Ranger. The description tells you what they do. The game has to balance to with combat. Cant have a slinger standing throwing off 15 Fucking rocks before he gets tired when a guy in full armour and a sword and shield can get tired running and swinging in 2 hits wouldn't make the combat fair. It's called balancing man. If they didn't do it that way everyone would go Archer because you could out run, out range and out kill anyone before they even got a hit on you. This guy going off about things he doesn't know. Pvp in M&B Warband still has its issues and The character design in M&B is terrible the heads look like they are held on by a safety pin. Don't get me wrong i love M&B for its style but you cant compare the two. Its easier to have Open combat in a set instance which is what this team has done also with a little thing called Instance battles, or did you not read that?? Now throw many people into an open world setting and make them fight each other all connected to a giant map server. Unlike M&B you get a small place to do battle in that is fixed and never changing. Take your M&B dick riding ass outta here if you aren't going to hit anyone with straight facts. Go play the game today and see what it is you aren't seeing.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Azzerhoden » 02 Nov 2017, 16:16

Ignorant ranting is always a hilarious read.
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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Ferimer » 02 Nov 2017, 16:30

Azzerhoden wrote:Ignorant ranting is always a hilarious read.

Unsure who that is directed at but if the people that actual play the game dont say anything this trolls like this OP are going to deter a lot of would be gamers.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Azzerhoden » 02 Nov 2017, 17:02

Ferimer wrote:
Azzerhoden wrote:Ignorant ranting is always a hilarious read.

Unsure who that is directed at but if the people that actual play the game dont say anything this trolls like this OP are going to deter a lot of would be gamers.

At the OP troll.
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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by JohnValentine » 02 Nov 2017, 17:51

I could support the thought (not the miserable presentation) if the OP would upload a video of themselves in full armor sprinting for 30 meters and then engaging in hand to hand combat with a 4 foot to 5 foot sword.

Hell, sprinting in ballistic protection for 50 to 100 meters and then engaging in hand to hand is miserable. Couldn't imagine doing that crap as a walking metal can.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Switchkin » 02 Nov 2017, 18:38

The OP has a point though, I can see how running up a mountain in full armor would be draining but when your in f'n rags and cant shoot a slingshot once without taking a knee afterwards thats a bit unrealistic.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Thulf » 02 Nov 2017, 18:53

I kind of have to agree with the vibe OP is giving off in its rant.

Things do feel clunky or... different from games I'm used to, but not in a good way. It forces me to choose between all those other games and this one game - for this reason, I'd rather play those other games, otherwise I get used to this and I'd be less at home with all those other games because of that.

7 days to die comes close to the feel I get when playing this game. It's static'ish (not fluid motions, more like a flying camera, etc), but at least it's more responsive there, even if it is a flying camera. I know LiF aims for realism, but that's not a good representation of it in some aspects, the flying camera feel is real. I hope it can be done better here for the sake of players maybe feeling somewhat the same way about it.

I remember buying Rust and playing that for the first time - it didn't feel like I had to get used to it, the handling was probably the best I've seen in a survival game.

All in all, I can totally relate to OP.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Hodo » 02 Nov 2017, 20:34

Azzerhoden wrote:Ignorant ranting is always a hilarious read.

I know right.

The OP hasnt played with the right builds. Because I can shoot almost a half dozen sling rocks or about a dozen arrows before I run out of stamina. I can swing a couple a dozen times with an axe before I run out of stamina.

But people are used to this sprint by beatings.. sorry that isnt how fights happen.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Ferimer » 02 Nov 2017, 21:17

Have to keep in mind to that if youre starting out at 0 SLinger and hoping youre gonna go into a battle and be the Alpha Ha then this isnt the game. Imagine you yourself right now in real life you have 0 Training in fighting of any kind and then you are thrown in a Boxing match that is 12 rounds long. you think youre gonna be able to keep up your stamina for 1 round of fighting, when youre having to move, punch, dodge and breathe all at the same time? how far you think youre gonna get?

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Dziqn » 03 Nov 2017, 15:37

Whyweirdupdates wrote:
And this fucking stamina system, is it obese 80 year old characters that cant swing a sling without getting an astma attack? Or walking up small dirt slopes, are they mount everest slopes or what?

Like the whole feel and interface off the game is super clunky and tedious.

Haha +1
I like lif a lot but this stamina system is just stupid. As naked/leather max stats healthy char i cant run 50m. Combat is slow and no fun.

Devs need to know game dont need to be too realistic it need to be fun to play. And this combat is just annoying.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Sinisterblack » 03 Nov 2017, 20:57

And this fucking stamina system, is it obese 80 year old characters that cant swing a sling without getting an astma attack?

The sling is definitely horribly bugged and needs to be fixed. I would hit an animal, then I couldn't shoot another shot... I couldn't even quick tap the shoot button and do a 1 foot fail shot without it saying I needed to catch my breath... at full stam.

I would have to unequip my sling ammo, then re-equip it... and sometimes that would fix it.

Also, after 6 shots, my hStam would be 10% gone.

Needs work bad!

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Dziqn » 03 Nov 2017, 21:36

My old post from first beta

and TBDoom was right:
Broken bones decrease your strength, which in turn most likely reduced your strength below the requirement for the sling.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Hodo » 03 Nov 2017, 21:41

Dziqn wrote:
Haha +1
I like lif a lot but this stamina system is just stupid. As naked/leather max stats healthy char i cant run 50m. Combat is slow and no fun.

Devs need to know game dont need to be too realistic it need to be fun to play. And this combat is just annoying.

What is the weight of the junk you are carrying?

Because I can sprint in combat mode with a axe and a shield out in leather armor for almost 200m if not more in game.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Azzerhoden » 04 Nov 2017, 15:42

Switchkin wrote:The OP has a point though, I can see how running up a mountain in full armor would be draining but when your in f'n rags and cant shoot a slingshot once without taking a knee afterwards thats a bit unrealistic.

Its because he lacks the strength to use it. So if he really wanted to make a point, he would say "Hey, the strength requirements for a sling is too high".

There are lots of little things that need tweaking. Its a small adjustment though, not the raging injustice he makes it out to be.
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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Chettone » 06 Nov 2017, 18:36

Whyweirdupdates wrote:I mean hire some proper game devs that can make a smooth functional game or change engine or something its horrible!

Everybody is dodging the real claim in this post because they are diehard fans. Devs made MILLONS (check steamspy stats to see how many sales they've made) and never hired proper staff. Yeah, I know they have "costs" in Russia, but honestly with all that money they could have deliver something way better and faster.

Devs point of view:
Should I hire 10 guys and finish the game in 1 year or should I keep all that money and make it my salary for a couple of years?

Reality shows what choice they've made.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Hodo » 07 Nov 2017, 16:54

Chettone wrote:
Whyweirdupdates wrote:I mean hire some proper game devs that can make a smooth functional game or change engine or something its horrible!

Everybody is dodging the real claim in this post because they are diehard fans. Devs made MILLONS (check steamspy stats to see how many sales they've made) and never hired proper staff. Yeah, I know they have "costs" in Russia, but honestly with all that money they could have deliver something way better and faster.

Devs point of view:
Should I hire 10 guys and finish the game in 1 year or should I keep all that money and make it my salary for a couple of years?

Reality shows what choice they've made.

I love when people talk about sales and how a game company should run when they dont know how any company runs.

In short... Just because they sold a million copies of the game, doesnt mean they have a million dollars of profit. They probably had loans, and other overhead to cover before they could touch anything else. Out of that they may not have enough money to hire several full time coders to do more work. Not to mention you cant just bring someone on and have them instantly get to work. They have to learn your code, and pick up slowly till they are fully integrated into the system. It can take a year for that.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Azzerhoden » 07 Nov 2017, 23:18

Not to mention that throwing more software engineers at a project creates more problems then anything else. There is a reason that game companies INDUSTRY WIDE, have trouble meeting deadlines.

Why not blame Bitbox for global warming while you're at it?
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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Whyweirdupdates » 12 Nov 2017, 13:24

JohnValentine wrote:I could support the thought (not the miserable presentation) if the OP would upload a video of themselves in full armor sprinting for 30 meters and then engaging in hand to hand combat with a 4 foot to 5 foot sword.

Hell, sprinting in ballistic protection for 50 to 100 meters and then engaging in hand to hand is miserable. Couldn't imagine doing that crap as a walking metal can.

yea medieval armor is really clunky sure. Watch this and come again....

general mobility

firefigther, solider and knight running an obstacle course in different levels or gear.

this is how a battle should look like, imagine if these guys would fight like in LiF?

i mean pvp in this game is alot better

just look at this

And regarding ranged weapons, u dont even need stamina to use them, realisticly slings in the game should only be limited by the speed it takes to reload them,and level of the skill for accuracy. And for archers desame and strenght depening on the draw weight of the bow. If people can run then archers and slingers cant use the sprint away shoot tactic on the armored guys, cause they can catch up so archers will need a melee guy to defend them. And i dont get why u suddenly drain ALOT more stamina when ur weapon is out makes no sense.
Another thing also would be good if archers could draw out their sword fast when their opponent gets closer instead for stopping and touching themselves to just equip a weapon lol.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Knar » 12 Nov 2017, 14:39

You go out of breath so much because you need more strength to swing your weapon...

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by SirWinston » 13 Nov 2017, 11:46

I think you're just doing it wrong somehow... If you manage your stamina and use proper gear for your skills you won't get out of breath.
Yesterday there was a battle with people in heavy gear and for the ~15min it lasted I did not see a single person go out of breath on either side.

Left clicking like a madman is not the way to do combat in LiF!

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Chettone » 14 Nov 2017, 04:15

Edward90 wrote:After all, nobody tells you to play this game.

Average answer. Trailers and tons of ads do. Also fake promises and marketing.

We were also promised lots of new content, but overall we get THE SAME LiF:YO from 2 years ago with a few tweaks here and there.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Dragmar » 14 Nov 2017, 06:36

Chettone wrote:
Edward90 wrote:After all, nobody tells you to play this game.

Average answer. Trailers and tons of ads do. Also fake promises and marketing.

We were also promised lots of new content, but overall we get THE SAME LiF:YO from 2 years ago with a few tweaks here and there.

If you belive LiF:YO now is anything like it was 2 years ago you're delusional.
Yeah, what you get is a larger version of YO, but YO has had some massive tweaks and upgrades over the last couple of years.

I expect if they keep YO the same and only did the upgrades yo the MMO you would be bitching about that aswell...

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Ubaciosamse » 14 Nov 2017, 10:18

People just want to complain about something, its in their nature, if u like it stay, if u don't well don't stay, either way the game is better with any of these choices you make. Some of us are here for years and are fully aware of what the game is, but some are like 12 year old kids making post titles like this. I personaly hope that u do not bring ur toxic personality in the game anyway.

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Soriki » 22 Nov 2017, 12:29

The Stamina is terrible, try attacking a few times as a starting character and you'll be FORCED to stop and pant even with low weight

At least that's what I remember killing my first deer which took me like 30/40/50 fucking hits to the head and body in total to even kill.... WITH A TWO HANDED HATCHET, WHAT THE HELL LMAO?

(Please show me a video of you swinging a two handed hatchet repeatedly with low weight to prove me if I'm wrong about this, just in-case I am, it's pretty pathetic how fast you literally start not being able to physically move again; I mean, it doesn't even make sense in the first place, I mean.. LOOK AT YOUR CHARACTER'S ARMS LOL)

Although I don't fully agree with OP and especially with how toxic he went about talking and completely dismissing the great game this is and the HUGE POTENTIAL IT HAS TO BE AMAZING, the game has flaws and it is necessary to identify them and fix/remove/improve them.

I'll copy and paste from my notepad of this game's flaws; All Life is Feudal MMO flaws and things that need removing/improving: Claims being a thing,
Instanced battles being a thing because of optimization (Hopefully will be removed as soon as there is good enough optimization),
Animal health too much/Unrealistic amount of hits to kill or injure/cripple,
Skill Cap being a thing.

Needing to have 30 digging to get mining when you should just be able to see iron/copper/etc and hit it with your pickaxe,
Tiles being a thing; Causes problems like not being able to make small holes and such; AKA being locked to a tile when interacting with the ground,
no climbing yet, alignment is bad when you get negative alignment over doing something someone never saw,
things having too much health;
Example: Bark box should be easily destroyed by a 2 Handed Steel Axe.

the lighting suddenly turns pitch black and then after not too long suddenly back to normal instead of decreasing and increasing normally through the day without suddenly turning pitch dark like it currently does,
you can fish in any tile as long as it has water and there will be no difference if it's a lake or a random bit of water,
from what I know (correct me if I'm wrong),
Combat not being like Mordhau https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Mordhau and lacking complexity,
No gore like limbs being cut off; Decapitations; etc; when they could add to gameplay by making weapons much more dangerous
realistic, immersive, and making combat much more important and risky.

Repeated flaw but I'll say it again; I mentioned that you should just able to mine ore if you see it without needing the mining skill,
correct me if I'm wrong if this is possible, but either way, there's more things like this related to skills in the game which you require you to get good at one skill which you shouldn't need to do because everyone would be able
to do them from the start and it makes no sense for anyone to not be able to do it right away. Lacking basic things you could do such as; Pick up rocks and throw them, use some branch as a weapon (if only we had realistic cutting physics and you could cut off a big branch off the tree to use as a big spear or a club)
not being able to just pick up water and pour it anywhere (CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG), not being able to collect water; normally, if you'd have something that is shaped in a way that can store liquids, and you left it out while it's raining; it'd collect water, but that's not the case in Life is Feudal MMO and it is fucking idiotic lmao,
makes tedious bullshit gameplay like having to build a well when you don't need one at the moment/can't/wouldn't work where you are/etc, the only way I see this implemented is water that hits objects that can store water because of their shape, would get a bit of water every drop or if it's raining every object that you could contain water in gets a certain amount of water per x time it's raining and it is in a place that nothing is blocking it from getting the water. You can't see the recipes of things after you make them yet you can while you have the items to make them..

They should be gray if you don't have the necessary items while it shows you in red which items you don't have and green the ones you do,

Not enough animal variety; There could be way many different types of animals and more variety within the ones we already have; No flying or water mobs? Disappointing; Also, there's only 2 "small" creatures which are the rabbit/hare and the Pigeon, both I've encountered but only once, but nowhere near enough; That also seems to be a problem, few animals I've encountered even at the start running through miles of land; These are all the animals in the game https://lifeisfeudal.gamepedia.com/Cate ... ld_animals

Stamina is far too little/the actions we do take up far too much stamina; Post by a user who agrees (Have heard people in a guild I played with complaining about stamina as well and laughing about how fast we stop running, there's many more who agree with stamina being too little and certain actions taking too much of it)

Animal AI Is... Not so good, my first deer suddenly started hitting me about 10 or more hits after I had already hit it's head and body with my hatchet over 40/30/ times or so every time it stopped to regain stamina, and every time It stopped to regain stamina it didn't even bother to move slowly away from me, or try anything to save it's own life, just stood there taking hits and after a small period of time starterd running at food speed after being hit in the head and torso many times with a tool that was cutting down trees not too long ago in a few hits, hahaha

This is all I can think of as of right now: Just my feedback

Video of people moving in armor: Have watched this video a lot before, good demonstration video on the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... g+in+armor

Also, I'm pretty sure OP implied fighting without armor and with nothing on you...

Also looking at how "clunky/not so great/not so smooth" feeling this game's combat and ANIMAL AI is (Referencing the guy talking about attacking the horse) it clearly needs some work, but don't take this as toxicity or me complaining, just my feedback

The ideal would be for it to have Mordhau combat or even better https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Mordhau

Although it is pretty unrealistic to expect such levels of combat complexity and just overall quality, and Mordhau IS a combat reliant game, that's the only thing it is about, but still, it'd be great if it at least had non-directional combat like Mordhau where it's less like Mount & Blade: Warband and more like a much better version of Shitvalry, and it'd be great if it was smoother and felt nicer

Probably a thing that will be improved in the future with better optimization and hopefully having to deal with no server lag

Either way, I hope this game succeeds and IDEALLY I hope fixes all these problems, although I doubt they will deal with most of them :/

And I'll still be playing regardless since it is currently the closest I have to a Life Simulator Medieval High Fantasy Open World Sandbox VRMMORPG and I'll fucking play it as long as it the closest and best choice for that experience I'm seeking :)

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Re: what the actual fuck is this?

Post by Hodo » 22 Nov 2017, 14:29

Soriki wrote:The Stamina is terrible, try attacking a few times as a starting character and you'll be FORCED to stop and pant even with low weight

At least that's what I remember killing my first deer which took me like 30/40/50 fucking hits to the head and body in total to even kill.... WITH A TWO HANDED HATCHET, WHAT THE HELL LMAO?

(Please show me a video of you swinging a two handed hatchet repeatedly with low weight to prove me if I'm wrong about this, just in-case I am, it's pretty pathetic how fast you literally start not being able to physically move again; I mean, it doesn't even make sense in the first place, I mean.. LOOK AT YOUR CHARACTER'S ARMS LOL)

I cut a lot of the chaff for brevity sake.

Now to reply to you...
You were new, your attributes were low, and you were using a tool as a weapon.

I think in the last phase of beta I used a decent war axe, and killed a deer in 5 or 6 swings. I didnt even use that much stamina. But my strength was 50 and my constitution was 25.

Now that we are live, my toon is sitting at 45 strength and 30 AGI, and 20 CON... I can sling stones ALL day without resting. I can shoot arrows ALL day and not rest. Last night I sat on my power hour with a couple of dozen cheap slings practicing on a target. I went through 18 slings, and over a 1000 stones. No stam breaks.

So in short I am saying.
Learn the game, and get good.

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