» 28 Dec 2017, 01:30
Since the colonization of the Southern Drifters, the island kingdoms have kept in tight council. Over weeks, these kingdoms explored diplomatic options to empower their core island communities. Initial diplomacy established the Trident of the Sleeper—subsequent diplomacy would, however, prove more difficult. With absolute reticence to methods of subjugation, yet prioritizing vassalage of newer members, the island communities kept in contact.
The Order of Aeundover, which was the target of vassal-first diplomacy, proud, kept in good standing with the whole of the alliance, while all the while keeping from folding into the major alliance powers. In the meantime, pride was not the only leg the Order stood on, but was held aloft and propelled to a stronger position by the shrewd calculus of its leaders, Zed and Allectus.
December 18th, 2017, the Order of Aeundover declared itself the Kingdom of Aeundover. Despite all doubt the Order could develop into a sizeable Kingdom, with parity to other Trident Powers, the Kingdom of Aeundover prevailed, and it was accepted into the alliance at large, shouldering more than just responsibilities to its constituents, but to all members of the alliance.