"how to force people to trade between settlements and make coins valuable" - u can t force people to trade, and especially not using coins
"1. Only guilds with monument lvl 4 can build trade posts and only trade post owners can sell to crown. Only the trade post owners can store money on trade post."
-> would make small groups and solo players slaves for the big guilds
" makes criminal life feasible" -> at the beginning there have been bandits around the npc town. But playing a bandit sucks because the alignment drops too much. At the moment the alignment-system is kinda limiting/destroying the pvp/endgame
"4. Remove the whole NPC central town, not needed for anything."
-> pretty much the whole server 25 and neighbouring servers is full with solo players/small groups who depend on that town
"3. lvl 2 monument accepts silver ingots and bars and lvl 3 gold ingots and bars as payments to make them possible but hard to upkeep on your own or when new server is set up." -> has nothing to do with trading ?o.O would be just a bigger pain in the ass to farm more gold/silver ??
why the trading isn t working:
pretty much every ressource is available everywhere. the rarer ones are not really needed. so trading (and even fighting for it) is kinda pointless...
I also had the idea about minting coins. In my opinion coins should not have a fixed value, the value needs to be determined by the market/players- just like the coins in the real middle ages got cheap metal mixed in, were smelted and reused for new coins, cut smaller or were stretched/made thinner ect.
-> it would be great if the jeweller skill could be used to examine (the value /metals of) coins. Like in the past, keep the good coins and spend the bad ones, hoping the other won t be able to notice the difference