Read the FAQ, guys
1. Private claim, not covered by a guild claim (there is no guild close to it) is immune to all kind of damage and thievery.
2. Private claim, covered be a guild claim, can be damaged by the guild you are at war with.
3. Private claim CAN be covered by a new guild stone and then the guild may remove your claim at anytime. You will have 24 hours to move out wih your belongings. It is not necessary if you can arrange it with the guild members and continue to live there.
4. Private claim size is based on your authority skill (2.5* skill level, skill raises by 1 for every day that you own a personal claim) with max of 250 tiles. So It is not that big a the beginning.
5. 1 character may have 3 personal claims: 1 in the wild, 1 in the capital city surburbs, 1 in the capital city. Last 2 are immune to any kind of offence but you will have to pay rent with RL cash for them.