Crafter Boredom

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Zealous Believer
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Joined: 17 Jan 2017, 01:37

Crafter Boredom

Post by Dirtywhitehorse » 07 Apr 2018, 13:23

After playing both YO and the MMo from beta for many hours, I am leaving the game.
I love crafting in games. I did not mind at all the time and grind it took to get to 100 in each skill. However, once you level to 100 there is nothing interesting or special that happens. Take farming, so necessary yet so painfully boring. For our large guild, and with a good team of other farmers, all you do is fertilize- plant -harvest. There should be some random "special and rare" drops, even if its recipes for things you can do in the farming tree. How about increasing the speed of crafting actions as you advance past 100 in crafting skills? How about adding a large scythe that can harvest more than one tile at a time as a perk of advanced farming 100? Same with fertilizing, how about a primitive spreader to increase speed? Your weather system is kind of cool, but come on, give us some tools to predict harvest time so we can schedule people on to harvest. Weather forecasts/calendar please!! I get the life is difficult idea, but we have real lives and I think it is important to give farmers tools to plan and manage the crops. I also think rewards for doing anything other than battle are super weak in the whole game. A rare drop in common repetitive activities like terra-forming/gathering would improve interest. How about implementing rare drops of armor, weapons and tools that can't be crafted? Not just skins either!!! I could care less that my shovel looks cool if it is still just a shovel. Give some special stats to special tools/items.
Its a game, I play for fun and for my guild friendships, but this just isn't fun or interesting anymore. Many in our guild have left the game because of boredom. These were all people who had gotten their skills to 100.
I feel that if there is not more incentive, depth and interest in the crafting part of this game, it will die. I will not be back unless crafting changes.

Posts: 16
Joined: 30 Nov 2017, 22:27

Re: Crafter Boredom

Post by Molsenff » 28 Apr 2018, 00:07

This is an important discussion to have with this game. So many people on Epeland have left, so many guilds have died, because the players got so bored or fed up with the crafting system that the game became too stale to continue.

A important concept you bring up is the ability to speed up certain types of crafting or material gathering by virtue of max level skills. This could seriously flesh out the purpose of maxing out lower tier skills as well as high tier ones. It could also lead to more player interaction with the game, rather than having a player need to put the game down for X number of days until something has changed enough for them to interact with the game again. This could be irrigation for 90+ adv. farming, Pruning for 90+ Nature's lore to improve tree quality, and/or Earthworks for 90+ Artisan to allow faster, and more complex terraforming.

Another concept that could help is gradual skill loss for inactivity. Basically, if you aren't performing actions with a particular skill after a certain amount of time (24 hrs real life probably), you begin to lose skill points in your highest tier skills until they drop to 0 and the next tier begins to lose points.
However, each skill has that strange ##/## thing listed on them. That could be upcycled into Skill Rank/Skill Knowledge. Where Rank is current skill level (RTA: Effective Skill Level) and Knowledge is max attained skill level (RTA: Highest Skill Level Achieved). When you lose skill points from inactivity, you can re-earn them at an accelerated rate back up to your knowledge level and then the skill gain drops from there to normal.

Both of these options could help make the game more interactive for crafters.

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