I was a former player of the MMO, and was astonished with the launch of the mmo on the end of 2017. The brazilian community and latin countrys(argentina, chile, peru, paraguay) engaged with ferocity on the Buyan server. Even with the bugs of from the launch of the OBT, the JH on other timezone we keep loving the game.
But since the start of the IB's we started to see that it's impossible to match with any reasonbale pvplayer. So many of us start to enter in the game for keep our base ate minimal, went to YO servers or just leave behind the fake promisses of other servers besides US/EU.
I know that Oceania dudes are in the same spot, and would be nice to have some position from developers, and i do not want a day, month or year to be announced. I would be appreciated if they just give us a word that they are looking for to put online mmo servers on our region.
-Our community on facebook is almost half of the international one(
-Counting the major brazilian guilds on tha start of the year we had about 300 players not counting brazilians on international guilds, minor guilds, solo player(and other latin countrys who speaks spanish and i dont have knowledge.
- This is the average number of players that some of your servers are online
-These are players who are willing to play with 250+ping(the majority pvp's) and we don't have a signal of hope.)
srry the bad english and the river of tears. just rejoin to one yo server with some mates who play since 2015 and we still want to belive that we will play a decent mmo of this fucking awesome game.