I'll get straight into it I guess
*An outline or a mark on Guildies and players in the same group/party.
*A spot on the minimap for Guildies and players in the same group/party.
This is really a deal breaker for me that LIF MMO is essentially a social sandbox where you keep loosing where your teamates are if they go 20 meters in the other direction.
*Minimap localization sharing for players to meet in the universe.
*Being able to share localisation with players in an ingame efficient way.
I'm thinking some sort of tracking option we can trigger by clicking on a team mate in same group/party. Which can be invited from chats or DMs.
There are so many things to improve one like pathing and AI behaviour but I won't get to that as I believe these are more imminent features to get in the next patch.
Thanks for upvoting/bumping this thread if you agree.