Removal of Tree Stumps

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Removal of Tree Stumps

Post by Madogi » 17 Jan 2018, 06:57

Tree stumps are becoming a overwhelming issue in the mmo causes insane lag either remove all stumps from the game and make it when u cut a tree down it takes the root and all or just throw a command down to get rid of them once every week

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Re: Removal of Tree Stumps

Post by Hodo » 17 Jan 2018, 16:58

I suggested a decay system like everything else in game.. but that I guess was to hard.

I also suggested a terrain decay system that would return terraformed land back to its original form off claim.

No more of these random pits you get stuck in, or spikes of pyramid dirt just sitting there or perfectly flat land where a settlement once was and is no longer.

Sorry but dirt doesnt hold its shape forever, and stumps dont stay forever either.
Don't build what you can't defend- Rule number 1.

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Joined: 05 Nov 2016, 11:16

Re: Removal of Tree Stumps

Post by FrutopiA » 20 Jun 2020, 12:49

Hodo wrote:I also suggested a terrain decay system that would return terraformed land back to its original form off claim.

No more of these random pits you get stuck in, or spikes of pyramid dirt just sitting there or perfectly flat land where a settlement once was and is no longer.

+1 I think this is a really good idea.

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