» 22 Sep 2014, 13:22
So I am really taken back by the promise of LIF. I really enjoy the mechanics and graphics. Yesterday I joined a clan, but today they killed me, banned me from teamspeak, and the leader removed me from steam all due to the fact that I went to get myself some instant coffee before we went out on a raid.
This got me thinking. We need to come together as a community, and meet the developers of the game halfway. We need to make this game respectful to newbies and experienced players alike. Otherwise, if we don't stand up to griefers and trolls altogether they will turn off a lot of great people to playing Life Is Feudal.
I propose that guilds that plan to play with ethics, and by ethics I mean plan to play LIF with respect for each other as fellow gamers and people behind the computer screen... With good sportsmanship, that these guilds organize into a confederation of guilds together and network with each other. That way, when a guild that even alleges to be a "non troll" guild tries to get in and is detected as a griefer guild, they are ejected from this all encompassing guild roster and dishonored.
I have learned recently, that it is in fact important to play video games with honor. To play with respect to each other, not because it is even owed to you. But because it is better that you simply treat people the way you want to be treated.
That doesn't mean you can't go to war, and raid. But it means that you will honor active principles within LIF. If anyone is interested in what I am saying here and working together with me against trolls/griefers in this way.. Please write up something and get back with your guild leaders to support this type of idea. That all the guilds that want to compose themselves with honor and dignity in LIF and want to stand together with other guilds that are the same way, lets come together now right here.