» 07 Dec 2012, 23:52
This is going to be a bit long, and I'll try my best to sum up main points, so you could get the gist of the argumentation from it, or read the details supporting the main points.
I've been very interested in "guiding" the formation of civilization in this sand box. I mean, we have a good template from history of how society forms, and I would like to be able to formulate a plan where it mimics that. i have a few goals in mind:
1. everyone is a hero.
2. there is a way to enforce societal norms (how ever this society forms)
3. the system is put into place to mimic real life systems, but with game terms in mind.
Specificially, I would like to set up a framework for a PC run justice system. Even more specifically, the idea of enforcement. There must be a way to enforce the laws and norms in-game, otherwise, there is no incentive for people to stick to these social agreements and real civilization will never form because of the constant anarchy. Feudalism implies some sort of hierarchical order, not anarchy. There was chaos, but the feudal system was meant as a bulwark against that.
Vigilante Justice. This will be a PVP type system, possibly with a bounty system (to be hashed out) in place.
Mob Justice. This would be next level of justice allowing for a greater penalty to be applied to whoever messes with the mob.
Judicial. This allows for non-death related justice to be meted out, and also for greater penalties that extend beyond just simple death.
Now for the most contraversial piece of this argument:
1. For non-death judicial punishments, it will be based on the willingness of the accused to follow the judgment. But to help incentivize it, a sort of "flag" should be placed on the character. a graduation of the severity of the outstanding judgment should also distinquished. i don't think it would be necessary for someone to have that flag as always on... but a check should be required to check for this.
2. For capital punishments, i propose a graduated "lockout" of the character. for example, if it was vigilante justice, its a 5 minute lockout, clearing the accused of the flag. if it was mob justice, it's 1 hour lockout, and and the flag is cleared.
3. judicial capital punishment: now here is where it gets interesting. i think the proper punishment for it is a 5 hour lockout, and a character reset. (this is open to discussion) the point of the character reset is to give the offending character a chance to start over. so any distinguishing in-game markers (ie property) would need to be modified or removed. the character's base stats should still remain the same.
judicial capital punishment should NOT be easy to mete out. there should be a capital flag placed, then execution must be public, with the public voting on this. a minimum number of voters must be met, and there must be enough votes for the execution for it to happen. finally, someone of higher standing must approve of the execution.
Agents of Enforcement.
This is done through a judge system. I propose a tiered system, with a progressive delegation of responsibility. What this would be is, there should be a mechanism/process that would involve:
1. for accusations. only people appointed by the lord/higher tier judge can initiate an accusation.
2. a time to meet for summons. once the accusation sticks, there is a time (or no time) for a reply by the accused.
3. review. once the time for summons is met, then the originating judge then makes a decision to apply the flag or not.
4. finally the flag sticking. only a judge (or the lord) in a higher tier can remove the flag
The point of all this is to allow players to create their own worlds, and have a way to enforce it, beyond just simple pvp, and also, a way to handle griefers in game.