» 26 Sep 2014, 22:45
I've found a XML file somewhere in the client folders that listed each and every "spell" there is, complete with success rates and durations. Since this doesn't exist in the dedicated server files, I assumed that this may be governed client-side, and changed them.
Unfortunately this had no effect after I started the game. Snapping a branch still took a whopping 10 seconds, just like it said in the unaltered XML file.
This probably then just serves as a template for the build process of the executables, and appears to be built in, unavailable for change.
Interesting however was, that durations where described in one of two ways. It either was a simple numeric value for that node, or a constant named like "40 5" or "60 10" - always such a number pair. Maybe these constants could be changed, but most of the spells I'd like to take much less time used the first method, which I deem less probable for consumer made alterations.