I have been having an issue lately in a private world I have been maintaining..
Whenever I plant crops.. they never "visually" grow like they used to..
I think it first broke when I tried out the new GM command for "grow"..which seems rather broken...
I had ruined some crops that I needed, so re planted, then tried out the grow command so I could get them back sooner, mostly just to see if it worked.. Nothing visually appeared, but when clicking on the empty tile.. the option of harvest was available.. with a low return...
Figured ok...wont rush it this time.. planted a fresh batch of crops... after a long while, nothing was appearing.. so went to check the tile.. harvest is available again..
Not sure if something is corrupted, or does planting crops while you are in GM mode break them?
IF anyone else has info on this, or know what needs to be done, let me know.. If not.. well.. apparently its easy to break crops ^_^