[Valor] <US> PvP 24/7 dedicated | No wipes | Guild Friendly

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Joined: 15 Nov 2013, 17:11

[Valor] <US> PvP 24/7 dedicated | No wipes | Guild Friendly

Post by Kriegen » 12 Oct 2014, 02:55

Server name: [Valor] PvE/PvP dedicated server 24/7 | 10 skill gain | 1gigabit connection

Server Desription: Valor is an established server that currently has 1 town in the iron age and a few more not too far behind. On this server we try to promote community play and welcome any guilds or players looking to find a steady server to play on. If a group of 3 or more players wants to start on the server I can provide you with a hut and a few basic tools so you can have a running start and catch up with the other settlements, just contact me on steam. We fully expect to have thieves and bandits on the server and those activities are allowed as they offer another facet of the game to either play with or to defend against, the only time PvP is not allowed is if it gets to the point of harassing or griefing a specific player, we use common sense for this and expect you to use it as well.

When playing on our server you can expect to interact with experienced admins and fair GM's. I personally have plenty of experience in hosting game servers and run this off of a dedicated machine that I rent from a datacenter so you can expect the best server performance possible. Some benefits of having an experienced admin are for example having plenty of backups of the server's database in case of something going horribly wrong and an admin who knows how to communicate with players before doing drastic things such as wiping the server, which unless it becomes necessary due to the game I will never do, or even shutting down the server for any reason. If in the future for whatever reason the server can't be kept up any longer I will make sure to release the database and any needed files so that no-one loses their work.

Website: Under construction- mostly done just working on a few things when I can
to connect copy this to your console ~: joinToRemoteServer("","")
Location: Chicago, US

- No griefing other players, pretty simple rule and for the most part falls under common sense
- Keep chat spam to a minimum
- Keep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to a minimum
- Light RP is welcome but heavy RP won't be specifically catered to.

- I am currently working on linking 2 or 3 servers together through the database and this will allow us to simulate having three islands which will allow large factions and larger wars. When the website goes live I will keep it updated with this goal's status. I have the technical side of this done just trying to find a good way to incorporate it into the game and too get another server or 2.

- Have a solid group of GM's who can run atleast 1 event a week if not more, these will be varied and will be stuff that we come up with and suggestions from the playerbase. These will be posted on the website.

- Have a solid community of players who can help the server grow and become one of the top servers.

The server is setup to auto-restart if it crashes and should be up 24/7, there may be periodic maintenance on the server to apply updates and add things to the server.

This post will be updated as more things come out and more additions are implemented on the server.


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