» 14 Oct 2014, 13:00
Any highly populated server admins know what I'm talking about.
We need clean-up tools. We need the decay system implemented. We need better deletion tools. And we need them now.
Have you noticed your server getting some quick freezes now and then?
Have you noticed your server taking forever to load when you join it?
Have you noticed a choppier pvp experience and a fps drop client side?
Well, these are all because of the same issue. Items upon items, layers upon layers of forest, nearly 40k new objects being made every 2 days and just left abandoned with no way to clean them.
You can say "this'll never happen, I have the best survur in da planet!". Stop, you're dumb. This happens to every server after a couple of weeks with 40+ population daily.
Save the servers. Make this issue known.