Hogweed wrote:Hi,
I am working on building a palisade, and am having a bit of a problem.
1) If the terrain height changes, I cant seem to get a level ground between the 2 different heights (in a straight line). I am working in a hilly area, so I need to be able to build this wall in a straight line along varying heights, but how do I do this if I cant level the terrain first? If I level one of the heights, the other height changes back. I wont be able to place the palisade wall then!
2) How effective are Palisades? I plan on digging one level down in front of the wall, so it would make it harder to try to jump over. Can people jump from 2 squares away and still make the wall? I am trying to lower all the areas outside the walls to prevent that.
Appreciate any and all help with these 2 issues, as they lowered the stone gathering rate, and stone walls over this size an area is way too much.
McLeod_ wrote:The way I did my palisade up a hill was as follows:
Start at the top (mine was 17) flatten a tile at 17 - flatten the tile below this one to 17 also.
Build the palisade on the upper tile.
Lower the second 17 to 16.5
Flatten the one below to 16.5 also
Build palisade
Repeat till complete, takes a while but looks cool and works.
Here is a screenie of what I ended up with.
Magw33d wrote:You can build in the way that you described without GM mode, but it looks a bit awkward. I try to make a trade off with my players, and if they provide the materials for the walls I will build them for them. Maybe your server owner could do the same for you? No harm in asking I say...
Hogweed wrote: Thanks everyone for the responses! I was wondering McLeod, are you a GM? The other guys are saying that I cant place the Palisades unless I am.
If you are not, then I should not have any problems giving that a try.