ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

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ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Dleatherus » 10 Nov 2013, 23:02

Greetings All!

As the title states, I am an Elder Scrolls Online fan and lucky enough to be in closed beta (disclosing this does NOT violate the Non Disclosure Agreement with Zenimax)

I am also the guild leader of 450 registered members of a clan for ESO as we wait patiently for release

What am I doing here you might ask? - well several things: I prefer a hardcore environment with full loot pvp, that ALSO has an in depth and engaging crafting system - the building/terra forming your own areas makes this like the love child of Darkfall and Minecraft and has very strong potential

I am 55 and have been happily ganking away since the original UO came out around 18 years ago

Looking forward to getting to know the small but passionate fan base and developers here, and contribute as I can to the project in terms of ideas and a donation

The journey still has many steps, but this looks like one well worth embarking upon


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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Kuroi » 11 Nov 2013, 00:13

welcome! :D

we're all hoping the best for this game, it's really a dream for several, if not everyone, of us :D

i guess you already checked the minigames demo?

and the indiegogo campaign ofc

the goal is still so far... dunno if they can make it, but we all spread the word about it and hope for the good.

if you and your 450 members (woaa!) are interested you can have a look at the 400€ perk, it gives 6 alpha keys (which are valid for alpha, beta and release) plus a big house in the starter city (for the buyer) with 10 binding points :)

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Dleatherus » 11 Nov 2013, 04:25

ty - have already mentioned it and 3 for sure are highly interested - not a huge number admittedly, but a start

many of the 450 are hibernating until open beta - a large number of gamers are 'what can i play/be involved in NOW' rather than looking long term down the road

and yes - have already checked out the links and am making my way through the forum posts

ty for the welcome


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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Varadin » 11 Nov 2013, 08:47

Welcome bro
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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Arrakis » 11 Nov 2013, 09:22

Hello there! Nice to meet you :) Have fun in here.

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Falke88 » 11 Nov 2013, 09:25


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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Kuroi » 11 Nov 2013, 14:32

Dleatherus wrote:many of the 450 are hibernating until open beta - a large number of gamers are 'what can i play/be involved in NOW' rather than looking long term down the road

tell them that a game like this won't appear that easy if the campaign fails, so hoping in an open beta without helping the crowdfunding is... like a bet :D

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Dleatherus » 11 Nov 2013, 22:08

Kuroi wrote:
Dleatherus wrote:many of the 450 are hibernating until open beta - a large number of gamers are 'what can i play/be involved in NOW' rather than looking long term down the road

tell them that a game like this won't appear that easy if the campaign fails, so hoping in an open beta without helping the crowdfunding is... like a bet :D

what I mean is, is that they are in hibernation until Elder Scrolls Online open beta which is currently anticipated for march 2014

those that are active currently I have talked with and as mentioned abovem several are interested


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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Siegbert » 12 Nov 2013, 12:45

I personally don't care too much about ESO any more. It used to be interesting having played a fair bunch of Skyrim. But nothing I saw so far from ESO appealed to me too much.
I'd rather have a really good sandbox MMO, without magic and with a nice, player-skill-based combat system.
ESO looks pretty Tera-esque in those regards.

Also, full-price title + subscription-based model + ingame store... really? :Search:

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Arrakis » 12 Nov 2013, 13:02

Siegbert wrote:Also, full-price title + subscription-based model + ingame store... really? :Search:

Star Wars The Old Republic has exacly same thing. Subscription + Item shop. People don't really care about making good games for people anymore, they care about money.

ESO intrigued me at first, but when I saw that nothing new is in there really and that this model of payment was chosen... I said nah, not worth of my money. Im all for B2P games, not P2P.

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Dleatherus » 13 Nov 2013, 03:25

well,i am here to support LiF, not promote ESO, and i don't want this thread in the welcome section to turn into a discussion of financial models for online games - there are a ton of conflicting opinions on this

my own personal experience is that the games that have held my attention for several years each at a time, did happen to be subscription based - I am hoping that LiF is the exception

A subscription based game doesn't ask me to help fund the initial enterprise (which i have ZERO problem with) - funding of one form or another is crucial to get this game rolling - i'm making the 400 euro pledge tomorrow - this is approximately the equivalent of 3 years of average subscription fees - sight unseen!


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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Siegbert » 13 Nov 2013, 08:51

Dleatherus wrote:A subscription based game doesn't ask me to help fund the initial enterprise

The problem isn't that ESO is just subscription based, but a full price title + store + subscription.
If a game wants so much money of of its players it better be good. I'm not convinced at all that it will be.

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Dleatherus » 13 Nov 2013, 10:24

it's simply a matter of economics, not greed

some mmo's cost a small fortune to develop, run, maintain, and keep expanding upon

GTA5 was $170MILLION
ESO is rumored to be hovering around the $110MILLION mark - they have announced that they will be introducing fresh content approximately every 6 weeks _ I don't find it ridiculous like some people do, for a company to want to not only recover their initial costs, but to also make a profit

I want LiF, and by extension, the dev team here also, to be able to meet their financial goals, and more - their vision and goals cannot be driven by passion and enthusiasm alone, hence their fundraiser campaign at indiegogo - it's a much smaller financial enterprise/development than the two examples stated above, and the financial model is different but the goal is still the same - raise/make enough money to fund the development and be able to make enough to make a living doing it

it might help if you look at it like this:
ESO is like Disneyland and LiF is like a zipline friends have put up across a breathtakingly beautiful deep canyon

Some will prefer the 'corporate' setting with all that the experience has to offer, others will prefer the awesome adrenaline rush of the rawness of the canyon zipline
Neither is wrong - each will put a smile on their visitors' faces - costs of building and running each are very very different

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Siegbert » 13 Nov 2013, 13:21

Dleatherus wrote:it might help if you look at it like this:
ESO is like Disneyland and LiF is like a zipline friends have put up across a breathtakingly beautiful deep canyon

I don't compare ESO with LiF in terms of costs. I compare ESO to what other games cost and therefore offer.
Most people are willing to pay monthly fees when that means that they won't be bothered with cash shops. For them to use every method they got to get our money, strikes me odd.

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Dleatherus » 13 Nov 2013, 14:18

only game i know of in terms of size and scale is WoW (which is a game i personally dislike)

WoW you pay for the game, pay a subscription. and has an in game cash shop - i don't think anybody is going to argue that they haven't been successful and made tons of money along they way, and have a lot of subscribers who have thought it was well worth paying for

WoW's player numbers are in severe decline because it's now an older game that is getting close to running its course - very few gamers will stick with one game for longer than 5 years

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Re: ESO Closed Beta Tester Intrigued by this project

Post by Siegbert » 13 Nov 2013, 18:50

Well, things change. Back in the day when WoW came out MMOs could still charge such an amount.

WoW will likely go free2play within the next years.

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