Ziong18 wrote:Well my questions is how do I apply the changes after I edited the stuff in the DB using those programs? Are there any "Apply" buttons or do I just close the whole thing and restart the server?
Read the mod guide. As stated there:How to adjust an object's Claim time
This is a server-side modification.
Adjust the 'Owner Timeout' column in the objects_types table. A NULL value means there is no Claim time. The values are in seconds.
Also within the mod guide:On the patch.sql file
In the server files there is the file sql/patch.sql. This file contains SQL queries for the official patches. The patch.sql file is executed every time your server is restarted, and may revert your mod's changes, for example Claim times.
In my experience this patch.sql file only needs to be run once after every patch, and can then be deleted. It is remade after every official patch. You could also edit patch.sql file to edit out the conflicting patch changes if you don't feel comfortable with deleting the entire file.