New server just started on the 16th

Discussions and advertising of dedicated, private servers made by players, for players

Posts: 18
Joined: 10 Dec 2014, 16:27

New server just started on the 16th

Post by Davud » 20 Jan 2015, 17:05


We are newbie friendly
online 24/7
2 days claim time
skillstatsmultiplier 10
skillcap 1500
terraforming speed 20
craftingperiod 60 seconds
animal bf period 60 mins
day cycle 2.5 hours
animals count 75

you might join my group or invite your friends to start your own village and with the trading camp u can go there and trade with them for stuff they will have alot of stuff for u and they will not kill u unless u try first lol we do have are own teamspeak 3 up and going if u like to chat more i can give u the teamspeak or just send me a messge on seam and can talk more and we just started the server on the 16 of january 2015 we do have the trading camp up and rdy just working on the arena and the pvp/raiding isnt allowed untill the 25 of january untill people can start getting stuff up and going and we are going to bring in gold coins and everyone will get coins when they join just have to find out how much and we are going to have a list of what stuff cost on are teamspeak

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