So I was reading the fac archive again to make sure I understood some of the stuff then I read the question on stealth and it said that you hide behind rocks/trees/bushes ect. Now Will the different graphic levels remove some of the foliage? Ive known people who turn down there graphics so they can spot other players or they lower the foliage distance but raise the object distance to see people?
Also Will there be different style of buildings and clothes for the different cultures like slavs have the nordic style building and the arabs have there own?
And I know that there will most likely be ships eventually but any idea of how long after release that will be?
Also weather will there be different weather around that map according to the biome this might have been on the fac archive and I missed it but will there be?
Another questions is tamable animals? will there be dogs or courier ravens?
Thanks for any answers I had an idea and IDK if it will work with the mechanics.