с ..\..\..\..\..\Engine\source\gfx\D3D9\gfxD3D9Device.h(71)
I think the error appeared after I changed my graphic cards (from GTX 440 to GTX 660 Ti). I didnt play LiF a long time so I cant really say if the error allready appeared with my old graphic card. I can only say it didnt while I was still playing LiF.
First of all I tell you how I get the error:
Everytime I try to start the game, a grey screen appears. There is no other way for me to close it but to switch to my task bar and close the two tasks: the one is called Torqued3D and the other one is the error message (с ..\..\..\..\..\Engine\source\gfx\D3D9\gfxD3D9Device.h(71)
Here is my PC:
Graphic Card: GeForce GTX 660 Ti
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
RAM: 4,00 GB RAM (3,98 GB verwendbar)
Resolution: 1366 x 768, 60Hz
Driver Version: 344.75
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (64 Bit)
What dxiag is telling me:
DirectX-Version: DirextX 11
DirectDraw-Acceleration: Aktiviert
Direct3D-Acceleration: Aktiviert
AGP-Surface Acceleration: Aktiviert
Main Driver: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2
Date: 13.11.2014 01:20:36
With WHQL-Logo: ja
DDI-Version: 11
Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
I already tried a lot of things like chaning the resolution in LiF props., installing the whole game once again, repairing it and running Steam as Administrator but nothing worked for me so far.
I hope some of you may know a way to solve this problem and how to fix the error.
Thank you very much at this point
My last log entry
//-------------------------- 3/6/2015 -- 19:34:47 -----
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.143 {00} <NOSCOPE> Processor Init:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> Intel Pentium III Xeon, ~3.40 Ghz
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> FPU detected
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> MMX detected
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> SSE detected
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> SSE2 detected
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> HT detected
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> MP detected [4 cores, 8 logical, 1 physical]
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE>
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> Initializing platform...
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.149 {00} <NOSCOPE> Input Init:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.221 {00} <NOSCOPE> keyboard0 input device created.
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.425 {00} <NOSCOPE> mouse0 input device created.
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.911 {00} <NOSCOPE> DirectInput enabled.
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.913 {00} <NOSCOPE>
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.913 {00} <NOSCOPE> Done
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.913 {00} <NOSCOPE> GFX Init:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.955 {00} <NOSCOPE> Direct 3D (version 9.x) device found
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.955 {00} <NOSCOPE>
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.958 {00} <NOSCOPE> SFXFMODProvider - FMOD Ex API version: 4.44.43
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:46.958 {00} <NOSCOPE> SFXFMODProvider - FMOD Designer API version: 4.44.43
WARN 2015-03-06 19:34:46.975 {00} <NOSCOPE> DebugDrawer Enabled!
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.451 {00} <NOSCOPE> --------- Loading DIRS ---------
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.492 {00} <NOSCOPE>
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.492 {00} <NOSCOPE> --------- Parsing Arguments ---------
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.590 {03} <initializeCore> 233: Unable to find parent object CmLineTextEditBitmapProfile for GuiControlProfile.
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.698 {03} <initializeCore> 1590: Unable to find parent object GuiCharDescProfile for GuiControlProfile.
WARN 2015-03-06 19:34:47.746 {03} <initializeCore> SimObject::registerObject() - datablock ids should be initialized via its 'id' field: SFXAmbience
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.748 {03} <initializeCore> Binding server port to default IP
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.748 {03} <initializeCore> UDP initialized on port 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.748 {05} <createCanvas> Attempting to create GFX device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti (D3D9)
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.753 {05} <createCanvas> Device created, setting adapter and enumerating modes
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.766 {05} <createCanvas> Win32Window::setVideoMode - invoking curtain
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> ERROR CREATING DEVICE: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call). Full parameter info:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> Adapter: 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> DeviceType: D3DDEVTYPE_HAL
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> BehaviourFlags:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.796 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> PresetParams:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Width/Height: 1932x1086
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Format: 22
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> BkBf Count: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Multisampling type: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> MS quality: 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Swap Effect: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Auto DS: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> DS Format: 1515474505
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Flags: 0
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.797 {05} <createCanvas> Failed to create hardware device, trying mixed device
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.836 {05} <createCanvas> ERROR CREATING DEVICE: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call). Full parameter info:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.836 {05} <createCanvas> Adapter: 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> DeviceType: D3DDEVTYPE_HAL
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> BehaviourFlags:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> PresetParams:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Width/Height: 1932x1086
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Format: 22
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> BkBf Count: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Multisampling type: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> MS quality: 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Swap Effect: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Auto DS: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> DS Format: 1515474505
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Flags: 0
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.837 {05} <createCanvas> Failed to create mixed mode device, trying software device
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> ERROR CREATING DEVICE: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call). Full parameter info:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Adapter: 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> DeviceType: D3DDEVTYPE_HAL
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> BehaviourFlags:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> PresetParams:
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Width/Height: 1932x1086
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Format: 22
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> BkBf Count: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Multisampling type: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> MS quality: 0
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Swap Effect: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Auto DS: 1
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> DS Format: 1515474505
ECHO 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Flags: 0
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.851 {05} <createCanvas> Failed to create software device, giving up
ERRR 2015-03-06 19:34:47.858 {05} <createCanvas> c:\dev\cm\Engine\source\gfx/D3D9/gfxD3D9Device.h(71)
Invalid call
I will post every try of your advices so you do not need to read the whole thread over and over again
06.03.15: I also reinstalled the graphic card drivers and restarted my computer afterwards.
I also reinstalled the d3d9.dll.
I donwloaded it and replaced it.