Hoshiqua wrote:I think he is right fox, I remember that it would take a long ass while to go down to the oasis at the time.. Hell, I think one MMO square is bigger than a YO server island ! I might be completly wrong tho.
And that is what i say too, he says the opposite
He says
Arel37 wrote:İt looks like compressed from 4 direction. Even islands are 3 meters away from continent. Devs should spread the map. İ dont want a square map. Add capes, gulfs and etc. AND İSLANDS FAR AWAY FROM CONTİNENT
Antonio70 wrote:One square on this map:
is one server in LiF Your Own so it will not be 3 meters between islands.
You and I say, that the map is BIG, like HUGE. I think that a MMO-square is bigger as a YO square as well, and we both played at the MMO map already, he didn't... so how can he know that one square on the MMO map is the same size as the YO server?
I think, that the big island in server 29 is more or less the size of one YO server, so that would mean, that a YO server is a little bit smaller as a MMO server
But, back to you Hoshiqua, we both have the same idea