۞ Name (For Ingame & TeamSpeak) Axel Vandenburg
۞ Steam Account URL Link: 13bravo06
(Please link to your profile, as many people have similar names)
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198221106404/۞ Age (18+): 53
۞ Timezone (+/- GMT): EST US
۞ Preferred in-Game Occupation (if known): Beginner, so will follow suggestions by leadership.
۞ Do you accept our guild rules? Yes
۞ How did you find out about us? Searching through Recruitment threads.
۞ Did anyone Refer you to us? and if so who? N/A
۞ What is your previous MMO experience? Gloria Victis, Archeage, ESO, Rising Storm, WoW, etc.
۞ Why do you wish to join Prosperity? Like the professionalism, organization, structure, details and goals. The fact you are willing to guide new players in LiF.
۞ Open Ended – Tell us about yourself! Prior service with 82nd Airborne, semi-retired. Have a lot of time for gamming, able to come on almost daily for many hours a week. Will comply with Guild leadership and rules. Enjoy helping guild and members to achieve our goals. Have been playing video games since 1976, recently started LIF YO and enjoy it very much, look forward to playing it a lot. Willing to listen and learn to become a great asset to guild.