» 09 Feb 2014, 20:09
So i am not sure what you have yet, this is just my list of items i want 100% in the game, all lore freindly.
1. iron, gold, silver, gems, copper.
all these will make mining great, in minecraft i was well known for my mines.
2. berries, wheat, food plants, herbs/meds.
these will make farming worth while, and scavenging.
3. bears, wolfs, foxs(low lands), cougars(mountains only).
this will make this not only pvp but also pvp.
4. rabbits, deer, elk, moose, small birds, chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, horses, hawk, owls.
make these rare, need to move around, if farmed need hay around, and then for horses/mules, hawks and owls they need to be broken, like in rl, but then hawks and owls can go get small game once and a while, or maybe send messages later on.
5. cold, hot, sickness.
spend all day in an ice river, not going to be good.
6. rain/flooding snow/snow drifts, spring, summer, fall, winter.
change trees, ground water levels, when the weather changes, and snow drifts would be nice.
7. bow, sword, arrow,,, lets say smithing/wood working.
have real bow building, real sword pounding, every thing from cutting down a yew tree, splitting it, seasoning the wood, taking off the bark, taking it down, then getting iron ore, smelting it, forming it, pounding it, tempering it.
8. torches, lanterns, fire places, good lighting.
lots of fire for mines houses castles, night ambiance, also make animals run away from it/ cows and others go to it.
9. player stores, inns, renting rooms for a month at a time, or week.
make this not only a fighting game but also something people can just live normally in, be an adventurer, a bard, a medical man, a farmer, shop keep.
10. a little better battle system, maybe like right button is block and left swing, then you move your mouse in the direction you are swinging, then the other person has to block in that direction.
11. stealth/thief/bandit raids/pickpocket,, well maybe not that last one.
Make it so there are locks, better chests, a jail, gold loot, cool items, like thief one, but not so the thiefs have an advantage, but not so you can get infanent amount of loot.
12. jobs (guard, knight, farmer, logger, archer, bandit, theif, potion maker, adventurer, miner, builder, bard)
make it so that jobs has a real advantage, so just going out looting everything isn't an advantage, heck make it easyer to stay alive if you don't, make it like real life.
13. npcs.
now i am sure any one that has played mmo games, just using people to protect your land, guard your loot, patrol roads, doesn't work, people have real lifes, but npcs don't, you can set them on patrols, protect against players you don't add to your list, kill animals, or just be bandits against towns, one mind using many npcs, but also make a cap of npcs to each player, like 3-5, so a town can have lots, but one person can't spam with them, then also rent them out to other players, or making them join the army, guards, farm hand, and get paid for them.
14. players become npcs at afk
So make it so they just stay safe, do some farming, get resources if told to when you are afk, also be able to protect you and your land when you are gone, eat, drink, trade.
I will most likely add more when i think of it
ps forgive me of my spelling, i kinda through this together, if you really can't take it, fix it then msg it to me, i will replace it.
Last edited by
Sirxavier on 09 Feb 2014, 20:24, edited 2 times in total.