Questions and suggestiuons about the mmo monuments and sieging

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Questions and suggestiuons about the mmo monuments and sieging

Post by Baronandy » 09 Feb 2016, 09:35

I have seen a vid where i got explained that the mmo will have monuments to make your base safe.
If you want to atatck a village (during judgement hours) , an instance will open where the 1 guild fight the other . If the attackers won , the influence radius of the monument get reduced. Important buildings like walls get attackable if they are not in range of the monument. This is a fantastic idea !!!

My question is
-Will we be able to break into another base (not to steal or destoy just to get some pvp) with mechanics like climbing ,ledders ,gambling or being able to lockpick the main gate ,which should take time so opponents can react ?

-Will we be able to place a guard inside our base or a watchtower?

I would love a "climb skill" to enter a different town to make pvp inside , even if i cant loot there houses and chests if they are in the monument range.

Maybe add "climbing" when you wear very light armor so you are a bit in disadvantage when you want to make some stress in other players bases !!! that it will be hard to win but possible to do , or that an architect can build a ledder. not to siege but to get some pvp without destoying someones hard work and siege everything they have worked for.

-maybe after a siege bases should be able to be taken over instead of all buildings get destoyed so the guild who lost it can get it back with currency or by sieging the guild who own it now instead of destoying 1000 h work of nice citys player have build

Watchtowers would be a nice idea telling the whole guild in the guildchat that someone want to break into there city ( if someone building a ladder) . or if enemys are near.
the watchtower could be implemented to make a faction system and tell your allied guilds about attacks or sending teammates a whats app massage or whatever. Too much creative things could be done with a watchtower and awesome would be an ability to ask other guilds for help if you get besieged. maybe the watchtower could have an npc with postage deafs.

One problem would be
people that log out inside your base after breaking in, to log in at the same time to gank you , everyone who is not friended by a guild should spawn outside the monument range to prevent that.

Another way to get entrance to another base might be gambling with games like cress, cube poker or whatever. So unexpected things can happen . will the gamber get ambushed when he wins all the money. is it a friendly gambler who want to attack the villagers who knows !!!

Here is the thread about gambling i made to collect ideas

i would love to see sieges and all day pvp separated (there must be hotspots of interest and an ability to get inside enemy bases.
if you only get pvp if you siege someone, it would destoy a lot of hard work and frustrate players if they cant capture there structures back. i played a lot of mmo loot games and know there problems and hope the devs will read further
Last edited by Baronandy on 09 Feb 2016, 12:26, edited 11 times in total.

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Joined: 28 Jul 2014, 11:36

Re: Questions and suggestiuons about the mmo monuments and sieging

Post by Baronandy » 09 Feb 2016, 09:55

My other stuff are recommendations what i would like to see

-Better archery without a curser but that you have to aim with the tip of the bow like in mortal online or rust

-Directional blocking or better parry mechanics

-A "dodge" which is restricted to short weapons + light armor to give the ability to outplay tanky characters for being very squishy.

I dont like the idea of different character speed ingame ,i would prefer different stamina consumption, wearing different armors to balance light vs havy armor. I dont like if running consumes stamina over time if then only very very little , it should consume stamina only once !! to start the sprint. A fixed ammount of stamina should be lost depending on the weight of your gear to start the sprint , if you get hit you should get a sprint break and need to resprint what will cost you stamina again. this allow much better balance between light and havy equipment.

would be horrible if the havy knight walks and run 10 times slower then the light armored worrior and if the "man @ arms" have no dodge. maybe bit less realistic but important stuff to make pvp fun. what do you think ??? this stamina management stuff make chivalery a good and balanced game imo + the slipstream mechanic which make you walk a bit faster if you are in your opponents slipstream , when you are not further away then 2 meters from him .

- Havy charged jump attack

from minute 23 onwards could inspire !!!

-Some darker atmosphere (new buildings maybe execution place) or craftable poles ,where you can put the heads on

-Duel mode or unsharp duel weapons. so you wont kill the other guy using a sword in a funfight which should train your skills

-Dangerous animals and hunting , maybe wind directions so if you move with the wind direction the animal will flee and run far away. compass should show wind aswell

-Be able to sacrefice animals and enemy heads to the monument

-Npc camps where you can find and free slaves that work for you (maybe as a guard , farmer or in the house of plessure which could buff you) maybe being able to train some of your learned skills to npc´s would be great , maybe 50 percent of your own knowladge , and give them tasks. or do they have to suffer for the monument XD

This could be a nice way to implement some funny deep conversations with npcs and you can decide to kill or take them with you XD if there are no dungeons. or go even further that you sometimes can find a key aswell that opens a boss instance behind the camp (like in pvp sieges with a scriped epic boss fight noone can interrupt)

- Tribe leader npc could drop special stones sometimes to create a world event !!!! if they get combined properly

See h1z1, rust and all those games have airstrikes
a player driven and started event
maybe in lif a gate in the haven could open or something similar or the tribes could do a signal fire , which you can easy racognize from far away , to get players interested to go there to fight for something.
Last edited by Baronandy on 10 Feb 2016, 05:49, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 46
Joined: 28 Jul 2014, 11:36

Re: Questions and suggestiuons about the mmo monuments and sieging

Post by Baronandy » 09 Feb 2016, 18:42

the last concern are those garishly moving formation signs on the ground. it make you feel drunken and you feel evil

Posts: 46
Joined: 28 Jul 2014, 11:36

Re: Questions and suggestiuons about the mmo monuments and sieging

Post by Baronandy » 28 Mar 2016, 21:42

a small guild will be able to hold there terretory because of instanced monument battles to decrease the range to destoy there walls , so i think there need to be a limit how much you can build , more guild members to get a bigger monument range beside the sacrefices to upgrade there range

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Re: Questions and suggestiuons about the mmo monuments and sieging

Post by Jairone » 07 Apr 2016, 03:50

That was a lot of stuff to read... but a number of those things have been suggested or brought up.

For some of your ideas, I would suggest making a voting suggestion. That is where you are most likely to see a result if people agree.

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