I think the op has a good point - and having that in the game as a feature is a viable suggestion in my eyes. And all though I personally probably will not need it for the game - I see why others would want it - and it also adds to the immersion.
Anything that will be added to a game takes time to code - so that is not really a good excuse to why the dev's should not add it - or at least considder it.
Of course we all understand such ideas would not be on a priority list at the current point of development. But that does not mean they could be in the future.
And after all - these forums are for people to come up with thoughts and ideas for the game - On any aspect of it.
Of course this is not something that is vital to make the game work - as you say, Antiblitz - people can do this themselves without a in-game mechanic for it.
But even though such details apparently are not that important to you, they might be for others - especially for the realism lovers and RP'ers.
I have understood your view on RP and RP'ers from previous posts - but that does not mean their thoughts and ideas are any less important to the game than yours... Remember... This game has already, and will continue to attract a vast amount of crafters, RP'ers and Explorers (in addition to PvP'ers of course)
Many people are even a good mix of these styles as well, as the preferred play-style poll on this forum also states.
This will definitely not be a game only for PvP'ers - so ideas and suggestions that does not matter in a pure PvP world can still be important to others with other play styles.
For me personally - Those small details really makes a difference. Its what lifts a amazing and great game up to utter epicness!