When you are continiously being killed close to your resurrection placeDrakes821 wrote:Can you elaborate one what instant resurrection problems your talking about?
Telakh wrote:When you are continiously being killed close to your resurrection placeDrakes821 wrote:Can you elaborate one what instant resurrection problems your talking about?
Telakh wrote:There will be a resurrection debuff of some kind.
Yet the situation when a player goes in to combat again and again right after the death makes no sence and no matter if it caused by some PK or player's own mistakes. It is not a Quake arena.
Elindor wrote:why are we having this convo about res if there is no res?
Venciera wrote:Resurrection to me means a player uses a spell to raise someone from the dead at, or near the location where they died. I'm opposed to this.
If you mean re-spawning at the guild stone, or homestead, than that's something else. I believe there should be some rules for that.
Telakh wrote:Venciera wrote:I can add that currently there is no respawn delay and it is not planned. There is a respawn debuff and bobik has mentioned that there is a possiblity of adding a skill to piety to decrease this debuff.
Bobik wrote:Kossako wrote:There will be bind recall. You can recall to your bind location using some spell from Piety skill.
It is not a "spell"! It is a "prayer" Huge difference
but ye, it works kinda like teleporting magic anyway
Bobik wrote:Kuroi wrote:i guess teleporting won't be instant so if you notice someone doing it, just attack!
Yup, simple as that.
Also recall might fizzle (fail) randomly and its success rate depends on your secondary crafting skill called "Piety".
Bobik wrote:SaresITA89 wrote:I did not understand a thing.
I am a good player that is not going to kill anyone.
If a PK kills me, I lose the points of my abilities? Or just bad people lose skill points if are they killed?
It does not seem right that a person who has never killed a fly, lose skill points
It does seems right, because you have still died. And you must avoid being dead, no matter how evil or good you are.
So you should run, Yield, fight back, beg, pay ransom whatever is needed just not to die. Life is Feudal
Only difference is, that if you have positive alignment you will lose 1 skill point out of 1200 (600+600 skillcaps) which is really not that much. While negative alignment player can lose from 9 up to 600 skillpoints (in case he is a pure evil himself )
That is also should be a good mechanism to avoid naked fighting, because even naked person will have something to lose if he dies and he should think twice before rushing naked against armored enemy.
Also in some cases of battles and sieges players with good Piety skill will be able to bless others, so if they die in that battle they will lose no skill points. Just not to ruin a fun of a good meat grinder
Protunia wrote:Do you have a quote so we know what he has actually said?
Bobik wrote:yup, that is funny mechanism indeed
though we have a ressurection sickness right now that should render you quite useless
wad wrote:we have no res timeout, but res sickness
Bobik wrote:but we might add some piety skill to fasten its disappear
Telakh wrote:Protunia wrote:Do you have a quote so we know what he has actually said?Bobik wrote:yup, that is funny mechanism indeed
though we have a ressurection sickness right now that should render you quite uselesswad wrote:we have no res timeout, but res sicknessBobik wrote:but we might add some piety skill to fasten its disappear
I'm sorry if I missed something here but is this even going to be possible in LiF? We will have respawning at home, but resurrections?Telakh wrote:Tshhh! It is top secret
Yet the discussion is about the situation when a player dies several times in a short period of time and respawns instantly, and how can we possibly prevent that.
We are not talking about resurrection or return home aka teleportation prayer.
Thanks for explanation Telakh, Your suggestion of respawn delay system is a worth thinking about then. But after respawning,Telakh wrote:No, it is not going to be possible. Other players can help you only if you will be knocked out (Soft HP = 0)
So depending on how hard that debuff will be (e.g. health/stamina bars really low), then resurrecting Your friend till fight is over is not really worth doing. Thus delay system isn't really necessary. Although... It's not hard to script so worth thinking about adding it to the game anywayWIKI wrote:"character will be resurrected at his binding point and will suffer resurrection sickness debuff for a few minutes."